Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora's role

Elections to Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada, as well as local government have been scheduled for March 2002. While details regarding the Election Law need to be worked out between the Rada and the president, one can assume that the elections will be held as scheduled. Since independence Ukraine has held two national parliamentary, three presidential, and numerous local elections. The consensus has been that elections in Ukraine since independence have been conducted in a democratic fashion with only minor violations, certainly not of any significance so as to affect election results. We anticipate that this trend will continue and that both local and international observers will be afforded every opportunity to monitor unimpeded.

However, elections are often decided well in advance of election day. Freedom of information, particularly the press is one issue that needs to be addressed. Another is equal access for candidates whether it be through government or private media. In most instances money is the key. While private media outlets are entitled to endorse candidates, they should be required to provide unbiased reporting and reasonably equal access.

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) urges the people of Ukraine to make informed choices predicated on an opportunity to garner adequate information about candidates and political parties/blocs.

Towards that end, the UWC urges political candidates as well as blocs to insist on equal access to voters through the media and on a personal level and to seek redress through the UWC's network and its ability to intervene with the government of Ukraine. Further, the UWC suggests to the Ukrainian voter that he/she study Ukraine's history and recognize that no nation in the world suffered or lost as many people as the Ukrainians during the XX century. The major reason for this was the oppression imposed upon the Ukrainian people not only by a foreign power but its surrogates as well. Further, Ukraine has been abused by some people intent on exploiting a transitional period for personal gain. Ukraine's future lies in democracy and reform with the rule of law as its mantra.

Additionally, we encourage our constituent organizations, particularly in the West to become involved in the electoral process via support, which includes funding for a free press, civic education and election monitoring. The fulcrum for Ukraine's democracy must be an open and fair exchange of ideas, resulting in an informed electorate. Western governments, while not involving themselves in the elections of a foreign state, nevertheless have a vested interest in the ability of Ukrainians to exercise their will and freely decide their political and economic orientation. Our constituent organizations representing Ukrainian diaspora communities throughout the world should work to ensure that the election in Ukraine is fair and free.

An independent and democratic Ukraine has been a dream of the Ukrainian people for centuries. This dream has become a reality. Let's ensure its perseverance.

For the Ukrainian World Congress:
Askold S. Lozynskyj, President
Victor Pedenko, Secretary General

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 13, 2002, No. 2, Vol. LXX

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