Ukrainian Historical Association re-elects Wynar as president

KENT, Ohio - In a general election conducted during October through November of 2001, full-fledged members of the Ukrainian Historical Association re-elected Dr. Lubomyr Wynar to a new four-year term as president. Balloting was conducted via mail, with the candidates for office selected by the Nominating Committee, which included Dr. Olexander Dombrowsky, Dr. Yaroslav Rakovskyi and Dr. Natalia Pazuniak.

Members also elected Prof. Alexander Baran, first vice-president; Prof. Mykola Kovalskyi, second vice-president; Dr. Olexander Dombrovsky, general secretary-treasurer; Anna Wynar, assistant secretary-treasurer, Prof. Alexander Sydorenko, secretary of international affairs; and Prof. Arkadii Zhukovskyi, executive presidium member.

Prof. Assya Humetsky, Dr. Bohdan Klid, Dr. Andrew Sorokowski and Dr. Osyp Danko were elected board members. Also elected to serve as members of the auditing board were Prof. Rakovskyi, Prof. Oleh Gerus and Yuri Olinyk.

The Ukrainian Historical Association was established in 1965 as a professional organization for Ukrainian historians in the diaspora as well as for enthusiasts of Ukrainian history. It is the publisher of The Ukrainian Historian, a scholarly journal devoted to all aspects of Ukrainian history and historiography, which was founded in 1963 by Prof. Wynar, who has served as its chief editor since its inception.

During its 36 years of existence, the UHA has organized numerous regional, national and international conferences, which provide a forum for Ukrainian historical thought to both Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian historians.

The association also sponsors a number of important historical serial publications such as Historical Monograph Series, Historical Studies, Hrushevskyiana, Ohloblyniana, Memoirs, Epistoliary Sources to Hrushevskyi Studies, to name just a few. In addition, the UHA continues to publish separate historical monographs in the English and Ukrainian languages.

During the past five years the UHA has made significant strides in establishing and developing its organizational and publishing activities within Ukraine. Presently there are 15 active UHA centers in various regions of Ukraine, most affiliated directly with major Ukrainian universities. During the summer of 2000, the UHA was instrumental in organizing at Chernivtsi National University The First International Congress of Ukrainian Historians, which was devoted to all aspects of Ukrainian history and was attended by over 400 scholars from the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia and Ukraine.

The UHA is now laying the groundwork for the second International Congress of Ukrainian Historians, scheduled for the summer of 2003 in Ukraine. It is important to note that UHA has been a major sponsor of the Hrushevskyi museums in Kyiv and Lviv and continues to be instrumental in assisting these unique institutions with their collection development. Specialized UHA library collections have been established at the National University of Ostroh Academy and at the Chernivtsi National University. Each year the association donates 500 copies of its journal and all other publications to universities, libraries and other scholarly institutions throughout Ukraine.

During the next four years, the newly elected presidium will continue to develop the content of The Ukrainian Historian, expand its readership base and publish new monographs, including works by Hrushevsky, Braichevsky, Ohloblyn and other eminent Ukrainian historians. Additionally, the association plans to increase its organizational activities, primarily in Ukraine, by sponsoring conferences, assisting in the growth of cultural scholarly institutions and strengthening its cooperative relationship with major academic institutions.

The UHA is a non-profit organization with tax-exempt status. Individuals wishing to financially support UHA's organizational and publishing activities may send their tax-exempt donations to: Ukrainian Historical Association, P.O. Box 312, Kent, OH. Persons may also support the UHA by becoming members; the membership fee is $60 per year and incudes a subscription to The Ukrainian Historian.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 13, 2002, No. 2, Vol. LXX

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