Newsweek's misrepresentation of Ukrainian flag

In its February 25 issue Newsweek magazine incorrectly represented Ukraine by displaying an inaccurate image of the Ukrainian flag. In the inset on page 41 of "Our Sport Has Gangrene," Newsweek placed a Russian Federation flag instead of a Ukrainian flag over Ukrainian judge Vladislav Petukhov's name.

The Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS) urges the Ukrainian American community to contact the editor of Newsweek and bring this issue to his attention. A sample letter is provided for your assistance. You may fax, or e-mail write to to Newsweek. The fax number is: (212) 445-4120; e-mail address: [email protected]; address: Newsweek, Inc., Letter to the Editor, 251 W. 57th St., New York, NY 10019-1894. Should you have any further questions, please call the UNIS office at (202) 547-0018, or send an e-mail to [email protected].

Sample letter

Dear Editor:

I would like to draw your attention to the February 25 Newsweek article "Our Sport Has Gangrene," in which Ukraine is inaccurately represented with a Russian flag. The inset on page 41 depicts the nine judges' names, countries, and flags. However, above Ukrainian judge Vladislav Petukhov's name, the flag of the Russian Federation is shown where Ukraine's blue-and-yellow flag should be.

As a Ukrainian American, I was disappointed to see the carelessness and in attention to detail given Ukraine. Surely your editors should know the difference between Ukraine and Russia and should not confuse the flags of two independent countries.


Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 3, 2002, No. 9, Vol. LXX

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