Congratulations on growing website

Dear Editor:

Congratulations on your official website, which now contains over 11,000 full-text articles.

Your website is an invaluable tool for anyone doing research on Ukraine, U.S.-Ukraine relations and the Ukrainian American community.

Orest Deychakiwsky
Beltsville, Md.

Ukraine's destiny its own to determine

Dear Editor:

The Ukrainian Weekly on Sunday, February 3, printed an article titled "Ukraine's transformation on the European model: how the United States can assist the process" by Dr. Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, based on the keynote address he delivered on November 1, 2001, at the conference "Ukraine's Quest for Mature Nation Statehood" held in Washington. In his article Dr. Hawrylyshyn poses questions on the above subject and expresses the need for Ukraine's transformation.

I will not comment on the need and feasibility for such transformation, but address only the following questions posed by Dr. Hawrylyshyn. How the U.S. can assist the process? How can the U.S. help? Will the U.S. help? The questions are valid, but perhaps the timing is off.

Following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the U.S and the subsequent war on terrorism, the political and economic situation and the atmosphere in the United States have changed. U.S. foreign policy changes are seen, for example, in warming up to and trying to form an alliance with Russia (to combat terrorism) followed by a hint from the United States for a closer relationship between Russia and Ukraine.

At present U.S. foreign policy is absorbed and dedicated mainly to combatting the global terrorist threat, leaving very little room for "parochial" problems, such as Ukraine's transformation on the European model.

Most important however is the question of economics. Dr. Hawrylyshyn's statement: "In terms of economics, the bulk of Ukraine's trade will be with European Union countries," will be perceived in the United States by traders and merchants as an indication that Ukraine will become less accessible and marginal for American business ventures, especially at this time, when the introduction of the euro is considered by some to be a challenge to the dollar.

Dr. Hawrylyshyn in his last paragraph certainly answers the above-mentioned questions: "It is, of course, Ukraine that has to transform itself on the European model. Its destiny is mainly in its own hands."

G. Myroslaw Burbelo, M.D.
Westerly, R.I.

Become involved in grassroots politics

Dear Editor:

I encourage readers to become precinct delegates. We the people have a responsibility to life, family, friends, community and democracy.

Our basic privilege and right to vote is taken for granted because some people don't want to be involved.

For an application form to become a precinct delegate, please contact your city or town hall (the city or county clerk's office) or the Department of State in your state (Bureau of Election).

We are the grassroots. A duty of precinct delegates is to represent his or her precinct at county conventions where delegates and alternates to the state convention are elected.

Get involved, expand opportunity, protect freedom and vote.

Roman Kuropas
Warren, Mich.

The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be typed (double-spaced) and signed; they must be originals, not photocopies. The daytime phone number and address of the letter-writer must be given for verification purposes.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 17, 2002, No. 11, Vol. LXX

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