Ukrainian Medical Association supports Weekly's "Copies for Congress" project

CHICAGO - The Board of Directors of the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America (UMANA) voted unanimously at its winter board meeting to support The Ukrainian Weekly's "Copies for Congress" project.

President Ihor Voyevidka, M.D., summarized The Ukrainian Weekly's letter requesting donations for this project. Since the activities of UMANA are covered extensively by The Weekly on a regular basis, the board felt that this information would be helpful to members of the U.S. Congress in evaluating issues regarding healthcare of Ukrainians worldwide.

Dr. Voyevidka reminded the board of the successful "Synergy" conference held in Washington in 1999. Under the leadership of then President Roman Goy, M.D., UMANA members were able to meet with and discuss items pertaining to Ukrainian health care with many representatives of the U.S. Congress. For the first time in recent memory, the UMANA, along with a host of co-sponsoring organizations, was able to confer with leaders in Washington on their own turf, and on their own terms.

An obvious way to keep this discussion updated and ongoing is to continue presenting the Washington establishment with a record of the UMANA's accomplishments on a regular basis.

The UMANA board of directors approved support for this project, in the form of a $1,000 check. Furthermore, the UMANA board stated that it "encourages the Ukrainian community to stand behind this worthwhile effort, and present continuing reliable primary information about our activities to the U.S. Congress."

For further information, readers may contact the UMANA at (773) 278-6262, or via the web at

Wilkes-Barre District Committee holds pre-convention meeting

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. - A meeting of the Wilkes-Barre District of the Ukrainian National Association was held on March 2 here at Ss. Peter and Paul Rectory, with National Secretary Martha Lysko of the Home Office in Parsippany, N.J., presiding.

Those in attendance were: Henry and Mary Bolosky, Genet and Jack Boland, Bonnie Scholtis, Gisela Stafuryn and Tymko Butrej.

Mr. Bolosky, chairman of the Wilkes-Barre District, reported that he and his wife had attended a conference of UNA district chairs at Soyuzivka, which was well attended. A statement was made to the fact that such meetings should be held every two years, as the previous meeting was eight years ago.

Mr. Bolosky proposed the merger of two districts, the Wilkes-Barre District and the Shamokin District. The proposal was unanimously accepted, and it was decided to draft a letter immediately to the Shamokin District secretary, Adolph Slovik. A proposal to meet at the earliest convenience to discuss the possibility of a merger was offered.

Mrs. Lysko informed the members of the Wilkes-Barre District that a vote was being taken as to whether or not a $100 fee be deducted per diem from each member attending the UNA Convention in Chicago for events on the last day of the conclave. Mr. Butrej, vice-chairman of the Wilkes-Barre District, made a motion against the assessment; Ms. Scholtis seconded the motion. All members present voted unanimously against the assessment.

Mr. Butrej made a motion to reduce the present size of the UNA General Assembly from 25 members to 14: President, one Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, three auditors and seven advisors. This motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

The district also voted against placing an ad in the convention Booklet due to the lack of funds in the district treasury.

The meeting was adjourned and a social with light refreshments was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Bolosky.

Young UNA'ers

To the UNA membership:

- UNA Executive Committee

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 31, 2002, No. 13, Vol. LXX

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