Paul Bojack's first video film release

LOS ANGELES - Since its release last November, "Glass, Necktie," a first feature video film by writer-director Paul Bojack by El Cinema, has been screened at various venues in Los Angeles, New York and Dublin and was an official selection of the AIF on-line film festival.

The film has also garnered critical acclaim in publications such as the LA Weekly, the Los Angeles Times and Film Threat which variously commend Mr. Bojack for a work comprising many strong components, among them, a well-crafted and -paced plots, complex and engaging story, insightful characterization as well as wry humor and "comedic menace."

"Glass, Necktie" deals with a man's involvement in an odd relationship with a married couple which turns into a dark, absurd and menacing contest of infidelity and control.

Film Threat's Brian Bertoldo said the film "paints a disturbing picture of deception and infidelity amongst a group of friends," in what is "a complex and engaging story that pays off with some remarkable insights into characters we cross paths with every day ..."

The LA Weekly noted that Mr. Bojack "creates an atmosphere of humor and comedic menace ... the weird undercurrents crashing through the marital relationships send the plot spiraling in a wholly unexpected direction," while "the characters and their connections are defined through rapid crosscutting, [as] an eccentric and wrlyly humorous vibe asserts itself."

The Los Angeles Times characterized Mr. Bojack as "an ingenious plotter" with "a good grasp of human nature," going on to say that " 'Glass, Necktie' looks good ..."

The film, done on a micro-budget, is shot on black and white super 16 mm film. The cast features the following actors: Kirk Stricker, Dorothy Gallagher, Jeff Bergquist, Eric Cadora and Nancye Ferguson.

The film's score is by Mark Mothersbaugh. Mr. Mothersbaugh, formerly of the band Devo, has written music for "Rushmore," "It's the Rage," "The Royal Tennebaums" and numerous other films and TV shows. His score for "Glass, Necktie" was singled out for praise in the Los Angels review.

Mr. Bojack (a.k.a. Roman Paul Boychuk), was born and raised in New York City, and graduated from Rutgers University, majoring in psychology and English.

A self-taught filmmaker, his previous work includes a short video titled "The Infidel (Don't Call Me)," which was awarded a Gold Plaque at Intercom International Film and Video Festival and was a finalist in the Nashville Independent Film Festival.

"Glass, Necktie," released by El Cinema, is available on video and DVD in independent and small video chain stores in the United States and Canada. For background information, synopsis and reviews, visit or call (310) 712-3457. To purchase "Glass, Necktie" go to or

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 7, 2002, No. 14, Vol. LXX

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