UCCA executives discuss projects to aid Ukraine, eastern diaspora

by Tamara Gallo
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

NEW YORK - The executive board of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) met at its national headquarters in New York's Lower East Side on Saturday, March 9. As it was the anniversary of the birth of Ukraine's national bard, Taras Shevchenko, the Ukrainian Family vocal group began the proceedings with a rendition of Shevchenko's "Testament."

UCCA President Michael Sawkiw, Jr. chaired the meeting, and Executive Secretary Marie Duplak read the minutes from the previous meeting held in January.

The UCCA's Council on Aid to Ukrainians (CAU) was a major focus of the deliberations. CAU Chair Ivan Burtyk presented a synopsis of the council's work in Ukraine and other regions of the "Eastern diaspora" where Ukrainians reside in large numbers. In particular, the CAU was very active in the development of the Ukrainian community in Kazakstan, helping with the formation of a Ukrainian newspaper, humanitarian assistance and the building of several Ukrainian churches.

Recent humanitarian missions have also sent assistance to the victims of the March 2001 floods in western Ukraine, as well as to families of coal miners killed in a mine explosion in Krasnodon in October 2000. A discussion ensued about possible CAU projects for the Ukrainian community in the Russian Federation, estimated at nearly 10 million people, and projects in Ukraine.

UCCA President Sawkiw mentioned the various funds that have been established in support of the UCCA's work, both in the United States and in Ukraine. The UCCA will designate one calendar month devoted to the Ukrainian National Fund (UNF), the main fund-raising vehicle of the UCCA. Brochures and literature will be distributed to communities to solicit their support.

In addition, since this year marks the 25th anniversary of the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS), the Washington bureau of the UCCA, fund-raisers are planned throughout the community to support the effective work of UNIS and to help pay off its remaining mortgage.

Special thanks were given to the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee for its assistance in helping to earmark funds from several Ukrainian American benefactors for the UCCA's newly opened Kyiv office. Through the help of the UUARC, the UCCA's Kyiv office has been awarded $45,000, which will help coordinate the UCCA's election project in Ukraine.

Representatives of the UCCA's "Fourth Wave" Committee briefed the executive board about plans for the official opening of the UCCA's Community Informational Center for the newest Ukrainian immigrants. Plans call for classes such as English as a Second Language (ESL), computer training class and preparatory courses for U.S. citizenship. Furthermore, the new center will feature discussions with other Ukrainian organizations about services offered to the newest immigrants. Tentative plans call for a mid-May opening and dedication ceremony.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 14, 2002, No. 15, Vol. LXX

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