New release features music of the kobzars

NEW YORK - Bandurist Julian Kytasty's newest CD "Black Sea Winds: The Kobzari of Ukraine" has recently been released on London's November Music label.

The new disc is the first full-length CD recording devoted to the music of the kobzars - Ukraine's legendary blind singer/bandurists. It includes both a sampling of the kobzar repertoire (epic, religious and moralistic songs, dance tunes, humorous songs) and Mr. Kytasty's original instrumental compositions derived from this ancient musical tradition.

The CD was launched at a concert in London's St. Michael and All Angels Parish Church on October 5. For this performance Mr. Kytasty was joined by one of the legends of the worldwide improvisational music scene, guitarist Derek Bailey.

The concert began with a selection of music from "Black Sea Winds" (including the title track, an instrumental improvisation based on traditional kobzar modes). After an intermission, Mr. Bailey followed with an extended solo. Finally, the two brought their instruments and traditions together, the modal improvisation of the kobzari meeting the European avant-garde.

November Music is a new label based in London and Taipei that has produced a series of outstanding recordings featuring new music drawn from unique musical traditions around the world. A year ago November producer Shu Fang Wang approached Mr. Kytasty with a proposal to record a piece based on the music of the kobzari, with the goal of presenting this unique musical tradition to a world audience.

The disc was recorded in December 2000 at Systems 2 Studio in New York City and mixed and edited in February 2001 at The Moat, London. November's striking physical production starts with a book-style heavy cardboard cover in place of the usual fragile plastic case. A 14-page booklet includes extensive notes on the kobzari and their time, program notes, and English translations of the lyrics.

"Black Sea Winds" can be ordered online on November Music's website, Alternately, it can be ordered directly from the artist by sending a check for $18 (U.S.) to: Julian Kytasty, 138 Second Ave., New York, NY 10003.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 14, 2002, No. 15, Vol. LXX

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