VOA TV newsmagazine now online

WASHINGTON - "Window on America," the Voice of America's popular Ukrainian TV newsmagazine, is now available worldwide on the Internet.

"Window's" presence on the World Wide Web comes nine years after the program's nationwide debut on Ukraine's UT-1 state television network. Produced in Washington, the 26-minute weekly broadcast highlights a wide range of topics, from U.S.-Ukrainian relations, and difficult issues such as homelessness and crime, to light-hearted vignettes of nature and whimsy.

In addition, the program features American sports, business, agriculture, medicine, education, culture and life in the Ukrainian American community. Numerous American and Ukrainian social, military and political leaders, including two presidents of Ukraine, have appeared on the show.

The website can be accessed at www.vikno.tv. Real Player is needed to view the program and can be downloaded from the site free of charge. The latest program appears every Saturday and is available for streaming around the clock for seven days. Archival video and scripts are updated periodically.

Links are also provided to over 1,000 hours of news, informational, educational and cultural programming which the Voice of America offers every week to a worldwide audience of 94 million. VOA's multimedia programs are funded by the U.S. government and broadcast in English and 52 other languages, including Ukrainian.

For additional information contact the VOA's Office of External Affairs at (202) 619-2538 or send e-mail to [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 5, 2002, No. 18, Vol. LXX

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