Report of the Auditing Committee of the Ukrainian National Association

The Auditing Committee, in accordance with the UNA By-Laws, on April 23-25 conducted a review of the business operations of the Ukrainian National Association for the year 2001. The previous audit was conducted on November 27-29, 2001.

The Auditing Committee's plan of action consisted of reviewing the operations of the financial and organizing departments, UNA publications, the Soyuzivka resort and other matters.

As a result of its review, the Auditing Committee reports the following.

1. Financial Department of the UNA

For 2001, the UNA's operating profit was $364,953, as compared with a loss of $71,394 for the year 2000. The UNA surplus increased by $255,686 to the sum of $7,047,752. The principal reason for the increase was the operating profit and various changes in surplus, including calculations of reserves in Canada.

The UNA Home Office building became profitable only by $84,000 due to the payment of commissions on the rental of space in 2001, which decreased the profit by $133,000.

2. Organizing Department of the UNA

The Organizing Department is among the most important segments of the UNA because the having enrollment of new members guarantees the existence of our institution. The more new members we have, the higher the amount of membership dues we receive and this is the financial yardstick by which UNA finances and its future are measured.

In accordance with statistical data, during 2001, the UNA gained 462 new members insured for a total of $8,233,000. Unfortunately, however, during the same period the UNA lost 2,374 members.

We know that the report period was a pre-convention year and that is why there were expectations of better organizing achievements from the UNA's 27 districts and 238 secretaries. Speaking of secretaries, they deserve thanks for enrolled over 400 new members.

Evaluating the work of districts and branch secretaries, it should be noted that the Northern New Jersey District had the highest number of new members: 86 members insured for a total of $2,452,000. The chairman of this district is Advisor Eugene Oscislawski. The Philadelphia District took second place, enrolling 68 new members insured for $1,629,000. The chairman of this district is Stefan Hawrysz. Third place in enrolling members was taken by the Pittsburgh District, which had 26 new members insured for $278,000. The chairman of this district is Advisor Nick Diakiwsky.

As far as secretaries are concerned, commendations and thanks are due to Myron Pylypiak, who enrolled 42 new members insured for $379,000 into Branch 496 and thus took first place. Second place was taken by Branch 10 Secretary Lubov Streletsky who enrolled 25 new members insured for $374,000, while third place was taken by Advisor Stephanie Hawryluk, secretary of Branch 88, who enrolled 22 new members insured by $123,000.

3. UNA Publications, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly

As of the end of 2001, the number of Svoboda subscribers was 7,153, while The Ukrainian Weekly subscribers totaled 6,604. In comparison with the end of 2000, the number of Svoboda subscribers decreased by 275, while the number of Weekly subscribers declined by 208.

The deficit of both publications for 2001 was $144,084. For purposes of comparison, let us recall that in 2000 it totaled $175,468. Thanks for the increased efforts in the realm of advertising sales, the deficit of the publications decreased by $70,000. In accordance with the 2001 budget, the deficit of both publications should not have been over $100,000 annually.

4. Soyuzivka

In 2001, Soyuzivka lost $653,957. For 2002 Soyuzivka losses were $579,115. The main factors responsible for the higher deficit for 2001 were the increased cost of insurance, and additional costs for the purchase of furnishings.

As directed by the General Assembly, the Standing Committee on Soyuzivka on April 30 presented the Executive Committee with a detailed plan regarding the future of the resort. The plan was updated during the summer. The principal idea of the plan is to transfer Soyuzivka into a separate corporation (an L.L.C.) in order to facilitate the inclusion of a partner and new capital. This plan will be further detailed and discussed at the upcoming 35th UNA Convention in Chicago.

5. Miscellaneous

The Auditing Committee appeals to delegates to the 35th Convention and members of the General Assembly to make the decisions needed to solve the problem of Soyuzivka's losses and to adopt a plan of activity for Canada, as well as for the future of the UNA as a whole.

Completing its term of office, the Auditing Committee expresses its sincere thanks to the Executive Committee and all employees for their purposeful conduct of UNA affairs and their cooperation.


For the Auditing Committee:

William Pastuszek, chairman; Stefan Hawrysz, vice-chairman; Dr. Alexander Serafyn, secretary; Myron Groch, committee member; and Yaroslav Zaviysky, committee member.

(Translated by The Ukrainian Weekly.)

CONVENTION PREPARATIONS: Branches and districts offer proposals

With the advent of the 35th UNA Convention and in accordance with UNA By-Laws Article 17, UNA Branch 240 of Cleveland at its branch meeting decided to propose to the Executive Committee the following suggestions for consideration:

In addition, Branch 240 suggests a review of the Kyiv Press Bureau to establish if it is irreplaceable, and raising Soyuzivka rates for all, from regular member to president, in order that Soyuzivka become self-sufficient.

As well, the branch suggests that each monthinformation on UNA activities and insurance products be published in UNA official publications. This may have better results than district meetings with fewer costs involved.

Evhen Bachynsky, branch president
Bohdan Semkiw, branch secretary

* * *

Delegates from the Rochester District to the 35th Convention of UNA propose the following changes to the UNA By-Laws:

In addition, the district suggested that the necessary steps be taken to reduce deficits at Soyuzivka.

Delegates to the Convention from Branches 66, 217, 285, 343 and 367: Christine Dziuba, Peter Leschyshyn, Alexander Skibicky, Oksana Markus and Lubomyr Galuga.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 12, 2002, No. 19, Vol. LXX

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