UMANA board meets at New York's Ukrainian Institute

by Dr. George Hrycelak

NEW YORK - The board of directors of the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America (UMANA) met on Saturday, April 6, at the Ukrainian Institute of America in New York City. Nearly 50 members of the New York Metro Chapter welcomed UMANA President Dr. Ihor Voyevidka, Vice-President Dr. Ihor Fedoriw, Secretary Dr. Ariadna Nychka-Czartorysky, UMANA News Editor Dr. Adrian Baranetsky, World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations (WFUMA) Representative Dr. Roxolana Horbowyj, and Executive Director Dr. George Hrycelak to their city.

New York Metro Chapter President Dr. Alexandra Kushnir, Vice-President Dr. Artur Hryhorowych, Secretary Dr. Marta Kushnir and Officer Dr. Ihor Magun, joined the discussion table with many issues pertinent to their particular affiliate. Many more members participated in a spirited question-and-answer session throughout the meeting.

The meeting was historically significant since UMANA was originally incorporated in New York City by the organization's founding fathers in 1950. Several senior members were able to attend, and the chapter officers surprised those gathered by providing albums of pioneering photographs from those originating times. Many "war stories" of those early days were retold over those photos while identifying the early members.

In addition to routine housekeeping issues, the board discussed the possibility of expanding informational assistance to newly arrived health care professionals from Ukraine. Dr. Alexandra Kushnir presented the New York experience; and several options were reviewed, concluding with a commitment to formaulate a range of helpful sources for these physicians to use.

Four new members were approved for induction into the UMANA: Dr. Roxolana Fokshey (New York), Dr. Yanina Holovatska (New York), Victor Pavlych (student, Illinois) and Christine Tymczyna (student, Arizona). In an effort to expand membership and appeal to a broader range of health professionals, Dr. Voyevidka proposed a plan aimed at Canadian colleagues. A recruitment initiative could include dues relief relating to the difference in currency valuation and earnings between U.S. and Canadian funds, as well as a membership drive particularly geared to the Western provinces.

In a spirit of cooperation between UMANA and WFUMA, Dr. Horbowyj reported on the status of a joint project in the early stages of preparation for the WFUMA Conference slated for August in Luhansk, Ukraine. She informed the board of an ongoing initiative, with the help of various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to allow live satellite video and teleconferencing from the United States to Luhansk during the scientific sessions on August 19-21. The symposium involving U.S. speakers would center on AIDS treatment and updates relating to the epidemic in Ukraine - a topic that is currently of burning importance to medical professionals overseas.

Dr. Voyevidka and Dr. Nychka-Czartoryska were pleased to relate their pleasant experiences from the joint professional summit on "Re-engaging the Younger Generation" held at Soyuzivka in March. As one of several participating professional groups, the UMANA was able to present its experience with recruiting and involving young medical, dental and other health care students and residents in an effort to solidify the base of the association. One major conclusion of the summit focused on expanding contacts between students and professionals at the college level in social and mentoring capacities.

At the conclusion of the proceedings, the New York Metro Chapter hosted a buffet; discussions went on in small groups for several more hours on a variety of topics. New friendships were made, old ones rekindled, and a new feeling of camaraderie encompassed all those present.

UMANA members are looking forward to the organization's next scientific conference scheduled to take place in Chicago in 2003, exploring the topic of infectious diseases. For more information, call UMANA at (773) 278-6262.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 12, 2002, No. 19, Vol. LXX

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