Ukrainian American Youth Association's Yonkers branch holds annual elections

YONKERS, N.Y. - The Ukrainian American Youth Association (UAYA) Yonkers Branch held its annual elections marking the 52nd year of activities on March 2. Outgoing President Orest Kozicky welcomed the approximately 50 members to the meeting and asked Father Philip Weiner, pastor of St. Michael's Church, to lead those present in prayer. Dr. Kozicky then asked for a moment of silence to commemorate departed members and supporters of the organization, namely, Michael Terlecky, Valentyna Yurchenko and Natalia Shukhevych.

The presidium of the meeting consisted of Yaroslaw Palylyk, chairman; Andrew Horbachevsky, assistant; Adrianna Rudyk, secretary; Yuri Nakonechnyi, president of UAYA worldwide and honorary member of UAYA-U.S.A.; and Father Philip Weiner, honorary member. The meeting agenda was announced and accepted unanimously, at which time the chairman asked that greetings be read by attending organizations, namely, Organization for the Defense of Lemkivschyna, School of Ukrainian Studies, Veterans of UPA, and SUMA (Yonkers) Federal Credit Union.

Lew Futala, president of the SUMA FCU, presented a donation on behalf of the credit union to support the educational activities of the Yonkers Branch of the UAYA and its sports club Krylati.

The minutes of last year's annual meeting were read by Mr. Palylyk and were accepted as written. Reports of outgoing board members were presented in the following order: Yaroslaw Kiciuk, secretary; Roman Kozicky, treasurer; Myron Dashko, treasurer of the Krylati soccer team; and Andrij Horbachevsky, reported for Basia Kuzemczak, co-chair of the Parents Committee.

Natalie Wasizcko, "bulavna," reported on her activities with youths over the preceding year. She mentioned that there are currently 134 in "yunatstvo," 14 "vykhovnyky" and one "vporiadnyk." The youths take part in artistic groups, including dancing and bandura.

Orest Kozicky, president of the branch, commended all the counselors and artistic directors for their exceptional work. He extended a warm thank-you to Andrij Burchak for all his hard work this year and wished him well as the branch's new president. He reminded all present of how dedicated Mr. Burchak's late father had been to the children and the goals of the UAYA, and pledged to support Mr. Burchak in his new position.

Mr. Kozicky also thanked Peter Duda for his continued work as chairman of the Yonkers Heritage Festival Committee which holds its three-day event every year on the grounds of St. Michael's Church. He congratulated him for his successful work in heading the committee for the past 14 years.

Mr. Palylyk, head of the Nominating Committee, read the proposed recommendations for the new board of directors for the 2002 year: President Andrij Burcha; Vice-President Andrij Horbachevsky; Secretary Roman Kozicky; Finance Officer, Mr. Kiciuk; Bulavna Natalie Wasizcko; Assistant Bulavna, Oksana Wasizcko; "Holovnyi Vykhovnyk" Orest Kozicky; Krylati President Roman Hlushko; Festival Committee Chair Peter Duda; Parents Committee Co-Chairs Oksana Tomashewsky and Basia Kuzemczak; Webmaster Nykola Rudyk; "Referent Druzhynnykiv" Robert Odomirok; Press Secretary Adrianna Rudyk; Facilities Directors Myron Kuzemczak and Sam Warycha; Members-at-Large, Yaroslawa Perich, Maria Wasizcko, Darka Horbachevsky.

The Auditing Committee members are Olia DeBruin (chair), Lubomyr Shchur and Christine Barankiewicz; Arbitration Board - Wasyl Kocur (chair), Myron Kuzemczak and Irene Bundziak; Scholarship Committee - Orest Kozicky (chair), Peter Duda, Maria Wasizcko, Maria Kiciuk, Darka Horbachevsky, as well as the branch president and finance officer ex officio.

The proposed list was accepted by acclamation. The newly elected branch president, Mr. Burchak, thanked all present for the vote of confidence. After the singing of the Ukrainian national anthem, the meeting was declared closed, and Mr. Burchak invited all present for a buffet and refreshments.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 9, 2002, No. 23, Vol. LXX

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