Despite his confession, defendant is exonerated of journalist's murder

by Roman Kupchinsky
RFE/RL Crime and Corruption Watch

Donetsk Appeals Court Judge Ivan Korchystyi ruled that there was insufficient evidence to convict Yurii Verediuk of premeditated murder, even though the 46-year-old ex-convict confessed to killing journalist Ihor Oleksandrov, the Kyiv Post reported on May 23.

According to the Kyiv Post: "Oleksandrov, the general manager of TOR television in the Donetsk Oblast town of Slaviansk, was found July 3 lying in a pool of blood near his TV station with his head cracked open and two baseball bats lying nearby. He was hospitalized but never regained consciousness. Shortly before he was murdered, Oleksandrov had exposed corruption in local law enforcement agencies. He had asked the Procurator General's Office for armed protection prior to airing the allegations, but it wasn't provided."

Officials from the Procurator General's Office said the case is far from over. They have appealed the ruling to the country's Supreme Court.

Mr. Oleksandrov was the 11th journalist killed in Ukraine in the last five years, according to the international watchdog group Reporters Without Borders, which has accused the Justice Ministry and law-enforcement bodies of obstructing investigations into the killing.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 16, 2002, No. 24, Vol. LXX

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