Hollywood Trident Foundation seeks 1933 Famine survivors

LOS ANGELES - The Hollywood Trident Foundation needs the Ukrainian community's help in contacting Ukrainian survivors of the 1933 Famine-Genocide now living in the United States and Canada in order to record their recollections on videotape.

Next year will be the 70th anniversary of the genocide. "We hope to ensure that no one will ever forget the details of this monumental tragedy, by recording for history the experiences and emotions expressed in their own words and images, of those survivors who are still living. We hope to teach this history to those who don't know it, as well as to remind those who do know it, the extent of the ferocity and the slaughter that our families endured, said the president of HTF, Peter Borisow.

"Ideally, we would like to locate every survivor and arrange an interview. We need the help of the Ukrainian community to locate and contact survivors, especially in the Los Angeles area, since these are the closest and easiest to visit. We are painfully aware that the youngest survivors are now close to their 80s and few are in good health. We are in a race against time to document as much living evidence as we can before history claims these heroes for itself," Mr. Borisow added.

Jason (Taras) Harper, a producer-director with Nickelodeon Television will produce and direct the interviews, while Mr. Borisow will do the interviewing. The oral histories will be recorded on state-of-the-art digital video, suitable for easy distribution to educational and media venues worldwide.

Anyone who is a survivor or knows a survivor who would be willing to participate in an interview is asked to contact the Hollywood Trident Foundation at (212) 721-2990 or e-mail the foundation at [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 16, 2002, No. 24, Vol. LXX

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