Savella Stechishin, 99, pioneer of Ukrainian women's movement

SASKATOON, Saskatchewan - Savella Stechishin, pioneer of the Ukrainian women's movement in Canada, passed away April 22 at the age of 99, according to the Ukrainian Voice.

In 1927 Ms. Stechishin became the first editor of the women's page of the Ukrainian Voice and also wrote a weekly column for the publication. She authored the well-known cookbook "Traditional Ukrainian Cookery," as well as "Ukrainian Handicrafts," and "History of the Ukrainian Women's Association of Saskatoon."

By popularizing traditional Ukrainian handicrafts in Canada, Ms. Stechishin helped to honor the achievements of Ukrainian women. Her passion for Ukrainian handicrafts and folk art also resulted in the establishment of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada in 1936.

Ms. Stechishin was a founder of the Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada and served as the group's first president in 1926-1936.

The Ukrainian Canadian Committee awarded Ms. Stechishin the Taras Shevchenko Medal in 1962 and named her Woman of the Year in 1975. She was also awarded an honorary doctorate of canon law by St. Andrew's College, University of Manitoba in 1976.

In 1989 Canada bestowed upon her its highest honor, the Order of Canada.

Ms. Stechishin immigrated to Canada from Ukraine at age 9. She was the first Ukrainian woman to graduate from the University of Saskatchewan, where she received a bachelor's degree in home economics.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 30, 2002, No. 26, Vol. LXX

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