Ukrainian Leadership Program

Future generations of Ukrainians will determine the fate of that country's economic and political development. These young civic-minded leaders of Ukraine require experience and an understanding of the fundamentals of democratic governance, the rule of law and civic duty. Such is the impetus for the Ukrainian Leadership Program (ULP), which would bring civic leaders from Ukraine to visit the United States for a two-week period to observe the principles and mechanisms of the American governmental system. This exposure for Ukraine's newest politicians will lead to new democratic ideas and practices, thus supporting further reform efforts to benefit the country of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS) urges the Ukrainian American community to contact their members of Congress and bring this issue to their attention. Please write, fax, call, or e-mail your U.S. senator requesting support for the ULP. A sample letter is provided below. Please refer to to contact your Senator via e-mail. Should you have any questions, please call UNIS at (202) 547-0018 or e-mail at [email protected].


The Honorable (name)
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator (name):

I would like to bring to your attention an initiative to create a Ukrainian Leadership Program (ULP), an exchange program designed to bring young civic-minded leaders from Ukraine to the United States to gain knowledge about and experience in American governance. This program will effectively spur the development of democracy in Ukraine based on the principles of grassroots activity, while also building better relationships between American and Ukrainian businesses.

The Ukrainian Leadership Program will also serve as an effective instrument of the strategic partnership between Ukraine and the United States, thus forging greater security and cooperation in Central Europe.

As a Ukrainian American, I am interested in the improvement of bilateral relations between Ukraine and the United States. I am also interested in seeing Ukraine develop into a truly free, democratic and economically viable state. As your constituent, I ask you to support the Ukrainian Leadership Program within the Legislative Branch Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee. Thank you in advance for your attention to this worthwhile matter.


- submitted by the Ukrainian National Information Source

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 14, 2002, No. 28, Vol. LXX

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