Winnipeg's Osvita Foundation celebrates 20 years of activity

WINNIPEG - The Osvita Foundation hosted a reception at Oseredok, as the Ukrainian Cultural and Education Center here is known, on June 12 to celebrate 20 fruitful years of support for Ukrainian education in Canada.

Dr. Myroslav Shandrij, the master of ceremonies for the evening, opened the banquet with three performances by students of the English Ukrainian Bilingual Program. The performances included traditional Ukrainian song and dance, as well as a reading of Taras Shevchenko's poetry.

Osvita lapel pins were presented to outstanding individual donors, past Osvita testimonial banquet honorees and past members of the board of trustees. Osvita Foundation President Donna Talbot also presented Central Products and Meats Ltd. with a plaque for its outstanding corporate support, and recognized the Ukrainian Fraternal Society of Canada with a certificate for its outstanding community support.

The Osvita Foundation and the Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education recognized five students for completing the English Ukrainian Bilingual program and attaining a Senior 4 standing in Ukrainian. Osvita granted $100 cash awards to Justin Kutzak, Maryna Melnyk, Kelly Nagribianko and Glen Shumsky, while Dorian Watts received a $500 college scholarship.

To end the activities of the evening, Darla Penner, banquet chair, announced the Osvita Foundation's next honoree, Dr. Leo Mol, who will be honored at the Osvita testimonial banquet in Spring 2003.

The Osvita Foundation is a registered charity and accepts all donations. To contact the Osvita Foundation call (204) 942-5405. The Osvita Foundation, 456 Main St. Winnipeg, MB, R3B 1B6.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 21, 2002, No. 29, Vol. LXX

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