Quotable notes

... And, finally, I'd like to say that we talked about the cooperation with the Ukraine. Let me use this opportunity to say that Ukraine should play an even more important role in Europe and in the region, and I am convinced that we should be supporting and favoring all efforts aimed at furthering development and cooperation with Ukraine and cooperation with the United States. And I am convinced that, strategically looking at the future, we should not be in the position not to see the 50 million state located right in the heart of the European continent. ...

- President Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland, speaking at a press conference with U.S. President George W. Bush in the East Room of the White House on July 17.

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... We welcome NATO's new relationship with Russia. The NATO-Russia Council has great potential for NATO members and Russia to build common security against common threats, especially in combating proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism. We also welcome an improved relationship between NATO and Ukraine. The United States and Poland share an interest in encouraging the aspirations of the people of Ukraine to prepare for a future in Europe. We agreed to work together to support Ukraine's efforts to implement needed economic and democratic reforms. Our two nations urge Belarus to join its neighbors in seeking a democratic and free market future. ...

- Joint Statement by Presidents George W. Bush and Aleksander Kwasniewski released on July 17 in Washington.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 28, 2002, No. 30, Vol. LXX

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