Ukrainian Famine-Genocide memorial in Washington

As the Ukrainian community prepares to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide, the office of Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.) has concentrated its efforts on the future. In cooperation with the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS), Rep. Levin has initiated a bill to erect a memorial in Washington to the victims of the Great Famine of 1932-1933. The memorial would be dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Famine-Genocide which will be marked in 2008. H.R. 5289 has been introduced in the House of Representatives with 29 original co-sponsors.

The Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS) urges Ukrainian American community members to contact their representatives in Congress and bring this initiative to their attention. Let us do our part to remember the victims of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide with a permanent memorial in our nation's capital. Please write, fax, call, or e-mail your representatives, asking them to co-sponsor the Ukrainian Famine Memorial Bill. A sample letter is provided below for your assistance. Please refer to to contact your member of Congress via e-mail. Should you have any further questions, please contact UNIS: telephone, (202) 547-0018, e-mail, [email protected].


The Honorable (name)
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Rep. (name):

I am writing to request your support of H.R. 5289, a bill calling for a memorial in Washington to the victims of the Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933 in Ukraine. The horrific events that resulted in the deaths of more than 7 million innocent Ukrainian men, women and children were deliberately planned by the Soviet government in an effort to suppress the Ukrainians' struggle for freedom and independence. For nearly seven decades this tragic page of Ukrainian history has been overlooked from the annals of world history.

As a Ukrainian American, I strongly support the erection of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide Memorial. It is our historical responsibility to create a permanent memorial to remember the atrocities of the past and ensure that such tragedies are not repeated in the future. Construction of this memorial in our nation's capital will serve as a reminder of the horrors inflicted by totalitarian governments on its own citizens and will encourage the promotion of democracy throughout the world.

This worthwhile endeavor of erecting a memorial directly relates to the U.S. values and strategic interests around the world. As your constituent, I ask you to support this bill. Thank you in advance for your support.

(your name)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 18, 2002, No. 33, Vol. LXX

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