Embassy's press release on the anniversary of Ukraine's independence proclamation

The following press released was issued by the Embassy of Ukraine on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine.

Ukraine celebrates the 11th anniversary of its independence with positive achievements in domestic and foreign policy.

In the political sphere, there is the stable development of Ukraine according to the principles of further democratization of society. The victory of democratic forces in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has served as a cogent argument in support of this statement.

In the economic sphere, there is the further growth of macroeconomic indices. In particular, in 2001 the GDP increase was 9 percent, being one of the highest among the countries of the region.

The foreign policy of Ukraine can be characterized by three main factors. They are: the policy directed toward European integration, commitment to becoming a member of NATO, and participation in combating international terrorism.

On June 18, Leonid Kuchma, the president of Ukraine, addressed the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with the message "Conceptual Principles of the Strategy of Economic and Social Development of Ukraine for 2002-2011: European Choice." In his message the president defined the national policy of Ukraine for the next decade on bringing relationships between Ukraine and the European Union to a new level.

Cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is very dynamic. The decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine concerning the intention to become a member of NATO has logically continued the path taken by our country for 10-year cooperation with NATO.

Ukraine actively participates in the global anti-terrorist coalition. The international community has highly appraised the steps taken by Ukraine in combating international terrorism.

One of the top priorities of the foreign policy of Ukraine is active participation in the activities of the United Nations and other international organizations that was recognized by Kofi Annan, the secretary general of the U.N., who admitted the significance of the contribution of Ukraine to the activity of the United Nations.

Cooperation on regional and sub-regional levels is an important direction of Ukraine's foreign policy strategy. The activity of GUUAM has been intensified. The recently signed agreement on a free trade zone has become the substantial economic foundation for cooperation within this organization. Ukraine has initiated the agreement on cooperation in the field of combating terrorism, organized crime and other violations.

Ukraine celebrates its 11th anniversary of independence with confidence in the correctness of its policy toward the development of a democratic state as an open and constructive partner in international cooperation.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 1, 2002, No. 35, Vol. LXX

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