Let us pray for the victims, their families and our nation at this time of remembrance

Following is the text of a message on the occasion of 9/11 issued by Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan Soroka of the Ukrainian Catholic Church

My brother clergy, reverend religious, and brothers and sisters in Christ:

Praise Be Jesus Christ!

Three days before we celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14, special observances throughout the United States and throughout the world will commemorate the first anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. We are called to remember and to pray for the victims and their families, as well as the heroic acts of courage, love and sacrifice of those who extended themselves to help their follow human beings in so many ways during this national sacrifice.

From the ruins of the World Trade Center, the steel I-beams that were covered in the shape of the cross, continue to give hope to our nation just as the finding of the true cross of Jesus Christ by St. Helena in the year 326 inspired the faithful of the fourth century and led to the expansion of Christianity throughout the empire.

Listen to the inspirational words of the tropar and kondak from the Feast of the Exaltation. "Grant victory to Your faithful people against enemies, and protect Your community by Your cross (Tropar of the Cross). By Your power gladden the faithful people and grant them victory against their enemies. May they have the help of Your instrument of peace, the invincible sign of victory (Kondak of the Cross).

Through His death on the cross and His resurrection our Lord and Savior transformed the cross from a symbol of hate into a sign of love, from an object of despair into a sign of hope, from an instrument of death into a tree of life. For Christians, the cross no longer represented defeat; it becomes the invincible sign of victory.

Likewise, from the tragic events of September 11, the world has witnessed the hope, love and life that emanated from terrorists' acts of hate and death. The outpouring of love, hope and renewal of faith through the self-sacrifice of the firefighters, rescue workers and caregivers should serve as the continuing living memorial to the victims of this tragedy. In this we find the confirmation of the words of St. Paul, "My grace is enough for you. For in weakness, power reaches perfection" (2 Cor. 12:9).

During this time of remembrance, I ask all of you to pray for the victims, their families and for our nation. I ask our priests to offer the faithful of their parishes a divine liturgy on Wednesday, September 11, at a time of day convenient for most parishioners to attend. Please add appropriate petitions for the souls of all victims, for those grieving the loss of loved ones and for our nation. I also encourage our priests to have their church bells peal for two minutes on September 11, beginning at 10:29 a.m. to coincide with the bell ringing observances to take place in New York City and throughout the United States at that time.

I thank everyone for your anticipated prayerful observance of this first anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. God bless America!

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Ý Most Rev. Stefan Soroka

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 8, 2002, No. 36, Vol. LXX

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