OSCE statement on solemn anniversary

Following is the text of a statement on the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States issued on the first anniversary of 9/11 by the chairmanship of the organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

One year ago, terrorists launched the horrendous attacks against New York and Washington in which more than 3,000 innocent people died. Since then, the world community has committed itself to bringing to justice those responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. For its part, the United Nations Security Council called upon all states to hold accountable those persons who aided, supported or harbored the perpetrators, organizers or sponsors of those crimes.

During the last year, the world has made progress in fulfilling the task set out by the United Nations, although there is clearly much more to be done. It is, therefore, fitting that we reflect on these horrible events as the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, one of the world's foremost human rights fora, convenes in Warsaw. We recall that the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting adopted a message condemning the attacks on September 25, 2001.

If we want to defeat the terrorists, then we must attack them from the highest moral plane, ensuring that human rights are protected, and that the universal human rights that we all believe in are observed. There is no inconsistency in pursuing terrorists with human rights in mind - in ensuring that the campaign against terrorism, is neither used to suppress legitimate dissent nor to suppress people presenting their views to their governments. If we are to prevail over terrorism then we must do it in a way that respects both human dignity and the rights of men and women.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 15, 2002, No. 37, Vol. LXX

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