Binghamton, N.Y.

by Maria K. Zobniw

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. - The annual celebration of Ukrainian Independence Day in the Binghamton, N.Y., area took place on Monday, August 26, with a flag-raising ceremony at Binghamton City Hall. Binghamton Mayor Richard Bucci hosted the ceremony and issued a proclamation in honor of Ukraine's independence.

A short introductory program preceded the flag-raising ceremony. The Rev. Zenoviy Zharskiy, pastor of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Johnson City, N.Y., opened the program with a prayer of thanksgiving.

Orysia Zobniw spoke about the significance of Ukrainian Independence Day and the need to publicly celebrate this date. While citing specific historical events, she stressed the sacrifices of past generations of Ukrainians who laid down their lives for the freedom of Ukraine.

In his introduction to the Ukrainian Independence Day Proclamation, Mayor Bucci stressed the rich cultural diversity of the region and emphasized the contributions of the Ukrainian community to the growth of the Binghamton, N.Y., area. In conclusion, he proclaimed August 26 as Ukrainian Independence Day in the city of Binghamton and ordered the Ukrainian flag to be flown at City Hall all week.

Children Victoria Charuk, Roksolana Stets, Taras Stets, Maryana Tkhoryk, Marta Zavaliy, Solomiya Zavaliy, and Chrystia Zobniw from the Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic Church dance group performed a traditional Ukrainian greeting, and Roksolana Stets and Chrystia Zobniw performed a Hutsul dance.

The Rev. Serhiy Stesenko of Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic Church concluded the program with a prayer in Ukrainian. Following the program, the Ukrainian flag was raised in the courtyard of Binghamton City Hall to the singing of the Ukrainian national anthem.

The flag-raising ceremony and interviews with participants were aired on all three local television stations, and the following day the Binghamton Press and Sun Bulletin published a photo and a story on the front page of its local news section.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 22, 2002, No. 38, Vol. LXX

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