FOR THE RECORD: Journalists' manifesto on political censorship

KYIV - On October 3, a roundtable on political censorship in Ukraine was held by journalists concerned about curbs on their ability to report on news and events as they see fit. Participants included some of the country's top print and broadcast professionals, who alleged direct instructions from top state bodies to news outlets on permissible and impermissible coverage of political, social and economic topics in Ukraine. The manifesto issued by the roundtable has so far been signed by 317 journalists from throughout national and regional media. The manifesto's text (translated by Yarema Bachynsky) follows.

We, the journalists of Ukraine, mindful of the unique meaning that truthful words bear for the development and strengthening of our fatherland, comprehending the personal responsibility that every journalist bears for honestly informing the public, and understanding that fear will prevent some of our colleagues from signing this manifesto, proclaim:

1. Political censorship exists in Ukraine. It consists of censorship of television and radio programs at the direction of or with the acquiescence of the authorities, of censorship of articles in the press, of various forms of illegal pressure on journalists and particular mass media outlets that attempt to objectively cover the social and political life of the country.

2. Political censorship constitutes humiliation of journalists and the people of Ukraine.

3. Political censorship is unlawful. In implementing political censorship, the authorities are attempting to limit the constitutional right of every citizen to freedom of speech, as enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, and international legal documents ratified by Ukraine, compliance with which is mandatory on all the territory of Ukraine. It is worth noting that the right to freedom of speech is an inalienable right of all Ukrainian citizens. In this way, one of the most fundamental principles of the Constitution of Ukraine is being violated. The fact that no one has yet been brought to account for such violations is, to our mind, overt mockery of the law and the rights of Ukrainian citizens.

4. We journalists declare our solidarity with the resistance of our colleagues and welcome the growing trend whereby stronger political censorship is meeting ever greater resistance on the part of journalists, who are moving from individual to collective solidary action.

5. We journalists of Ukraine declare our readiness to undertake an all-Ukrainian strike, and with the aim of preparing such an action and other acts of solidarity in support of our colleagues, we are establishing an initiative group.

6. We journalists of Ukraine will consider every means necessary to support our colleagues whose employment has been terminated or who are being persecuted for their efforts to objectively cover ongoing events.

Signed by 317 Ukrainian journalists, as of October 10.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 13, 2002, No. 41, Vol. LXX

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