UWC plans to erect Famine monument in Kyiv

TORONTO - The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) has decided to honor the memory of the victims of the Great Famine in Ukraine 1932-1933 by erecting in the name of the Ukrainian diaspora a suitable monument in the city of Kyiv.

Meeting in limited session on Saturday, September 21, the UWC Presidium outlined its program for the 70th anniversary observances of the famine, suggesting most significantly the need for a suitable monument in Kyiv from the Ukrainian diaspora honoring the memory of the victims. While the UWC is prepared to finance the project, a request will be addressed to the municipality of Kyiv requesting pro bono land allocation with specific sites suggested by the UWC.

The UWC expects to cover the cost of this project from the diaspora communities. Creative skills will come from the diaspora, with technical assistance from indigenous Ukrainians craftsmen and laborers. Further details will be provided as they become available, noted a UWC news release.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 13, 2002, No. 41, Vol. LXX

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