A note from the editors

This week we thought we'd make use of this space to address some pressing business at The Ukrainian Weekly and share the editorial staff's thoughts with our readers.

"Preview of Events": For more than 20 years, The Ukrainian Weekly has been running a very popular feature called "Preview of Events." That section has evolved from a free listing of events that ran inside the newspaper in 1980-1982, to a regular, well-organized feature on our last page, where it is more accessible and attractive to our readers.

Since 1999 we have been charging a fee of $10 for each item published in "Preview" to help us recoup some of the many expenses involved in putting out this unique newspaper. The $10 fee, we felt at the time, was low enough for anyone to afford placing a "Preview" item, yet it would still do a little to help us pay our bills.

Now, three years later, we have witnessed a most ironic phenomenon: "Preview" is so popular and is so widely read that it has hurt our bottom line.

What's that? A typo? No, it's a fact. Read on.

The $10-per-item fee for "Preview of Events" has basically made it possible for anyone to advertise an event for a minimal fee without taking out a larger ad that would, of course, be more costly for advertisers (but certainly more advantageous for The Weekly in terms of income). Time and time again we have observed that those who submit "Preview" items to The Weekly, allowing us to earn $10, then turn around and place advertisements that are five to 10 times more expensive in other publications, which do not have a "Preview"-type listing of community events.

It's really very simple math. An organization decides to shell out $100 for an ad in, say, Svoboda (our sister publication), and then get by with the $10 listing in "Preview" - which it seems everyone reads. Why spend another $100 when $10 will do? For proof, readers can peruse recent issues of Svoboda and The Weekly, and compare Svoboda ads with Weekly "Preview" listings and ads. Take a look at how many events listed in our "Preview" column appear as much more lucrative paid advertisements in Svoboda. (Incidentally, our prices for advertisements are identical.)

It seems our good intentions have actually been less than helpful to our own bottom line.

All of the above has caused the editorial staff and administration of this newspaper to reassess the fee for "Preview of Events." There were many ideas, ranging from doing away with "Preview," or listing only events that were promoted via regular paid advertisements, to tripling the fee. After much discussion and soul-searching, after considering both our own financial well-being as well as the fact that many of our "Preview" clients are community groups that cannot afford to purchase large ads, we have come to a decision to increase the price of listings in "Preview of Events."

As of November 1, the charge for a listing in "Preview of Events" will be raised to $20. That at least brings the price of publicizing an event in "Preview" closer to the $45 cost of a small, yet visually effective, paid advertisement that takes up 1/12 of a page (the base price for an ad is $10 per column-inch, that is, for an ad that is one-column wide and one-inch high). And, our new $20 price should still be inexpensive enough for everyone to afford, especially since most events listed in "Preview" charge admission or otherwise bring in money for the sponsoring group. (All other "Preview" guidelines remain the same.)

We trust, Dear Readers, that you appreciate our dilemma and understand our decision. We hope that you will continue to utilize The Ukrainian Weekly's "Preview of Events" feature. (And that you'll place paid ads also.)

Subscription drive: As The Weekly celebrates the 69th anniversary of its founding on October 6, 1933, during October-November we will be conducting a special subscription drive. All readers who enroll new subscribers will have their names published on a special thank-you list of Weekly Boosters. We thank you in advance as we look forward to your support. (We ask readers to please mark any new subscriptions sent in with the notation "Weekly Booster.")

Just think what we could do together to increase The Weekly's subscription base if each subscriber succeeded in attracting just one additional subscriber!

Thanks for listening!

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 13, 2002, No. 41, Vol. LXX

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