Quotable notes

"President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma is guilty of violating Ukraine's Constitution and laws, since his deeds are punishable under the Criminal Code of Ukraine: Article 109 (actions oriented toward a violent change of the constitutional system); Article 110 (encroachment on territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine); Article 111 (state betrayal); Article 112 (violence to the life of a state official); Article 115 (premeditated murder); 120 (compelling to suicide); Article 129 (threat of murder); Article 157 (obstructing the execution of election legislation); Article 160 (violating the referendum law); Article 161 (violating the equality of citizens irrespective of their ethnic origin); Article 163 (violating the confidentiality of telephone calls); Article 170 (impeding the lawful activity of political parties and public organizations); Article 171 (impeding the lawful professional activity of journalists); Article 185 (theft); Article 191 (embezzlement of property, abuse of office); Article of 208 (illegal opening of bank accounts outside Ukraine); Article 209 (money laundering); Article 212 (tax evasion); Article 344 (interference in the activity of a state official); Article 351 (impeding the activity of a national deputy and a local-council deputy); Article 364 (abuse of power and office); Article 365 (abuse of official powers); Article 368 (bribe-taking); Article 377 (threatening a judge); Article 442 (genocide)."

- From the "sentence" handed down by the opposition rally in Kyiv on October 12, as reported by the Ukrainska Pravda website and cited by RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 27, 2002, No. 43, Vol. LXX

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