Cleveland UNA Branch 102 celebrates its centennial

by Daniel S. Bobeczko

CLEVELAND - The Centennial celebration of the Brotherhood of Ss. Peter and Paul, Branch 102 of the Ukrainian National Association, was held on Sunday, October 6, at the Ukrainian Museum Archives in the Tremont area of Cleveland.

The first Ukrainian American organization in the city of Cleveland and the State of Ohio was founded on October 18, 1902, with eight charter members. Over the past century, there have been thousands of members.

Throughout its proud 100-year history, UNA Branch 102 has provided insurance for members and their families, and has remained strong in its commitment as a fraternal society to help members, and to provide leadership and service to Cleveland's Ukrainian community.

The open house and reception had a very nice turnout from the community and conveyed many warm feelings for this historic event. The guest speaker was Taras Szmagala Sr., honorary member of the UNA General Assembly, representing the Home Office of the Ukrainian National Association in New Jersey.

In his eloquent remarks, Mr. Szmagala pointed out that the Brotherhood, which is starting a second century of service, is indeed one of the oldest organizations in Ohio. He presented Branch 102 President Dan Bobeczko with a proclamation from Ohio governor Bob Taft, as well as a proclamation from Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio.

In turn, Mr. Bobeczko saluted everyone who devoted so much time and energy to the organization over the past century, making special mention of his parents. Mary Bobeczko has served as recording secretary of Branch 102 for the past 21 years, and Nicholas Bobeczko has served as financial secretary for the past 56 years.

A congratulatory letter from former UNA President Ulana Diachuk was also read. The president of Cleveland's United Ukrainian Organizations, Vasyl Liscynesky, who is also UNA advisor, presented a historical perspective about the Ukrainian community and pointed out that his own organization will be celebrating its 75th anniversary next year.

Other UNA branches from the area were represented by Alice Olenchuk from 112, Luba Mudri of Branch 222, Mr. Liscynesky of Branch 240, Vera Napora of Branch 291, Taras Szmagala Jr. of Branch 358, Wlademer Wladyka of Branch 364 and Estelle Woloshyn of Branch 230.

The host for the celebration was Andrew Fedynsky, director of the Ukrainian Museum-Archives and a columnist for The Ukrainian Weekly.

Mr. Fedynsky welcomed many distinguished guests, starting with Ward 7 Councilman Joe Cimperman, who presented Branch 102 with a Cleveland City Council proclamation and introduced the new congresswoman for Tremont, Stephanie Tubbs Jones. She had warm remarks for the group and generously offered to help the Ukrainian Museum-Archives with federal support. State Sen. Dan Brady and State Rep. Shirley Smith, offered to do the same on the state level.

In a humor-punctuated talk, Cuyahoga County Commissioner Jimmy Dimora paid tribute to Ukrainian culture and the Ukrainian community, comparing it favorably to his own Italian heritage, and also offered the county's assistance in any expansion plans the museum might have.

Among ethnic friends of the Ukrainian community who attended the event were Irish Judges Sean Gallagher and Bridget McAfferty, and Albanian Councilwoman Dona Brady. Rep. Dennis Kucinich was represented by his district director, Pat Vecchio.

Mary Boyle, former county commissioner and now candidate for state treasurer, also joined the celebration and personally greeted everyone at the event.

In addition to the fixed exhibits, the Ukrainian Museum-Archives, an organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of Ukrainian heritage and culture, had on display historical documents and artifacts collected by the Brotherhood of Ss. Peter and Paul over the past 100 years. More details of the history of this UNA branch and many of the documents, photographs and certificates on display for this special exhibit may be viewed on line at

The major source of funding for the museum is from membership donations. All proceeds from the celebration were designated for the museum to facilitate more special exhibits and historic celebrations in the future. Catering for the event was provided by Taras Kowcz.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 27, 2002, No. 43, Vol. LXX

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