Foundation seeks to increase funding for Ukrainian studies

TORONTO - "Ukrainian studies need support - both for our sakes now and for the next generation," stated Olya Kuplowska, president of the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies announcing the Foundation's campaign to increase its funding of Ukrainian studies in Canada and elsewhere.

"In the course of the last 27 years the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies has placed more than $3 million in the service of Ukrainian studies. This includes funding the publication of the English-language Encyclopedia of Ukraine, other scholarly works, as well as scholarships and other assistance given annually to students and scholars. The foundation wants to provide more because more is needed, For this reason we are undertaking an extensive fund-raising campaign to enable us to increase support for Ukrainian studies. This will benefit the Ukrainian community wherever it might be, in Canada, and worldwide, both now and for the next and succeeding generations.

There are three broad areas in which more help, she explained is needed. These are:

The campaign itself was launched on October 26 during the annual meeting of the board of directors of the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies, which was attended by directors from across Canada. The campaign will consist of special mailings, announcements in the press, TV spots, telephone solicitation and personal contact.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 10, 2002, No. 45, Vol. LXX

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