Melbourne parish seeks to improve demographics

by Stefan Romaniw

MELBOURNE - The Melbourne Cup event held by the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral Parish Council on November 4, at the Kozak Bar paid great dividends. The demographic make-up of participants was extraordinary, with participants being drawn from many quarters of the parish. The crowd of well over 100 included many families and their children.

Common reactions heard throughout the night were: "I haven't seen you in years"; "I really want to have contact with the Church - may be time to rethink things"; "I want my child involved"; and "Please keep me informed. I will tell my friends,"

These comments illustrate that the event achieved its aim: to draw people together in the name of the parish.

There was Ukrainian music, good company, a tasty meal in a family atmosphere, with grandparents, children and grandchildren at one table: fun activities for all - raffles, phantom Melbourne Cup call, activities for children, games such as "Twister," "Uno" and "Connect," drawings under the watchful eye of Roman Bojczuk, plus Paul Chudiak providing a floorshow with his singing all made for a great family night.

The many raffles, auctions and general admission charges saw a net profit of close to $1,500 - a great effort due to the generosity of many that will go far toward realizing the parish budget.

The Revs. Alex Kenez and Paul Berezniuk moved among the tables, encouraging people to be involved in their spiritual development within the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Parish Council members did likewise, discussing a range of issues that need our common involvement.

Alex and Wally Zelinka through their companies provided great prizes; Betta Foods through Eugene Hawryszko came through with sweets. Participants also recognized the efforts of David Jury and Daniel Orfini, who are currently constructing the parish barbecue, which will again be a focal point for drawing people together in a community.

"We are building community; we need to cast our net far and wide to ensure our parish connects with all its members. We are community. We build community together," said Stefan Romaniw, chairman of the Parish Council. "The great participation of so many people who have answered the call is a sound ring of confidence for parish social activities," he added.

"Let's be solution-based. Let's seek out solutions and not constantly harp on problems. We can grow together," Mr. Romaniw exhorted the audience.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 10, 2002, No. 45, Vol. LXX

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