UWC president meets with Ukraine's prime minister

KYIV - The president of the Ukrainian World Congress, Askold Lozynskyj, met with Ukraine's prime minister Anatolii Kinakh, at the Cabinet of Ministers building in Kyiv on October 29. Issues addressed were: the diaspora's participation in the Great Famine observances in Ukraine, Ukrainian legislation on the status of diaspora Ukrainians, funding for the Diaspora 2005 program, the eighth congress of the UWC and Ukraine's image abroad.

An agreement was reached to include diaspora representatives on Ukraine's national committee on the Great Famine chaired by Mr. Kinakh, and to establish a line of communication and cooperation between the government of Ukraine and the diaspora communities regarding Ukraine's image abroad.

It was also agreed that the Cabinet of Ministers would introduce draft legislation for the Verkhovna Rada's consideration on diaspora Ukrainian status and that funding for the Diaspora 2005 program would be itemized in the 2003 budget.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 17, 2002, No. 46, Vol. LXX

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