Representatives of international organizations reassigned to new posts in U.S., Azerbaijan

MIENSK - Two representatives of international organizations who are of Ukrainian origin have just completed their assignments in Miensk, Belarus, and have been reassigned to new posts.

Sergiy Kulyk, the World Bank's Country Office Manager for Belarus for the last three and a half years, is taking up a new position at his organization's headquarters in Washington as the program coordinator for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova.

Mr. Kulyk, was born in western Ukraine and, before joining the World Bank, represented Ukraine in Washington as a diplomat. He has been a prominent and respected figure in Belarus who has provided advice and guidance on economic matters with eloquence and tact.

The other official is Bohdan Nahaylo, who has headed the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Belarus since 1999. He has been appointed UNHCR's Representative in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Mr. Nahaylo was born and educated in the United Kingdom. After working for Amesty International in London, and then pursuing a career as a writer, analyst and journalist, including for Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe in Munich, he joined UNHCR in 1994 and initially worked at its Geneva headquarters as a senior policy adviser on the CIS countries.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 24, 2002, No. 47, Vol. LXX

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