May the Christmas story become alive

My Brother Bishops, Reverend Clergy and Reverend Sisters, Seminarians, and Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Christ Is Born!

The Christmas story is very familiar to all of us, yet so welcome in our hearts and minds. Christmas reminds us of the birth of the infant Jesus in a humble stable, surrounded by his mother, Mary, and Joseph, greeted by the poor shepherds, as well as three kings bearing riches for the child. The angels announced the birth of God's only-begotten Son, Jesus, to the shepherds and to the kings. God is among us! Jesus Christ is among us!

You and I will share in announcing this familiar story to the world around us when we participate in the beautiful and rich tradition of caroling. Ukrainians in the United States, in Canada, in Ukraine and throughout the world will joyfully sing our traditional carols and proclaim God's presence among us in Jesus to all, young and old. You and I share in this mission to announce Jesus to the world around us through our words and actions.

Our personal lives, our homes and our parishes should actively present that "God is With Us." Resolve to share the Christmas story with your family members, neighbors and friends, and particularly with the young children. The world around us hungers to know of the presence of God. You and I have the privilege of sharing the Good News, and to be holy messengers of God's presence in the world. Be confident that those hearing the message will receive it as openly as did the shepherds and the kings who greeted the infant Jesus.

My prayer and my hope is that you will be joyful messengers of Jesus Christ's presence among us! Share God's love amidst you. Live His peace with your loved ones and with strangers. Celebrate God's forgiveness with all. Reveal God's generosity and His compassion through you. Fully celebrate your faith with your parish family. In these ways, the Christmas story will become alive to you and to all who surround you in your daily life.

I pray that God's presence may especially be felt among you and your loved ones this Christmas and in the coming year. May you be blessed with His joy and peace, and with prosperity in your life. Know of our love for you and of our prayers offered for you.

A most blessed Christmas and a peaceful New Year!

God is among us! Christ is born!

The Most Rev. Stefan Soroka

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 22, 2002, No. 51, Vol. LXX

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