U.S.-Ukraine sign agreement on law enforcement assistance

Embassy of the United States

KYIV - The U.S.-Ukraine Memorandum of Understanding on Law Enforcement Assistance was signed by U.S. Ambassador Carlos Pascual and Deputy State Secretary Oleksander Motsyk of Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The agreement establishes a legal framework for implementing law enforcement assistance programs designed to enhance Ukraine's law enforcement capacity in several areas, especially in the areas of countering trafficking in persons, combating money-laundering, protecting intellectual property rights and enhancing the security of the state borders of Ukraine.

In addition to law enforcement projects under this agreement, the United States will also support the related efforts of non-governmental organizations, such as those working to establish centers to prevent trafficking in persons.

The agreement governs such technical details of assistance programs as financing, personnel qualifications, monitoring and evaluation, and title to property.

The agreement is a means of implementing the goals and objectives of the U.S.-Ukraine Law Enforcement Working Group's Program of U.S.-Ukrainian Cooperation for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime, signed in Kyiv on June 5, 2000. The entire program is based on the U.S.-Ukraine Agreement Regarding Humanitarian and Technical Economic Cooperation of 1992.

Specific law enforcement assistance projects will be agreed to by the parties and implemented as authorized, subject to available funding. The U.S. government currently has approximately $4.2 million available to support law enforcement projects with governmental and non-governmental entities.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 29, 2002, No. 52, Vol. LXX

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