A memorial worthy of our capabilities

Dear Editor:

Regarding a monument to the victims of the Great Famine, it was with great interest and satisfaction that I read the editorial titled "A Proper Memorial" in the December 8, 2002, issue of The Ukrainian Weekly. Although the idea discussed belongs to Morgan Williams, a temporary resident of Kyiv, the diaspora should recognize The Ukrainian Weekly for bringing it for public discussion.

I wholeheartedly support the idea of establishing in Kyiv, a center of studies about the Great Famine and other types of holocausts perpetrated on Ukrainian people by the occupiers of Ukraine.

Stone or bronze statues are mute, they do not enlighten the uninformed, but the written word will speak forever. Taras Shevchenko wrote:

If diaspora is to fund a monument to said victims, let it be worthy of our intellectual capabilities and emotional devotion to Ukraine.

Mykola Lawrin
Sterling Heights, Mich.

Commendations for a job well done

Dear Editor:

At a gathering at the Ukrainian Institute of America on Tuesday, December 10, I was speaking with someone and as frequently happens, the conversation turned to The Ukrainian Weekly. I commented to him that The Weekly has consistently improved in presentation and content.

The paper is certainly a representation of quality to the Ukrainian American community and others who read it. It provides a much-needed good impression of Ukrainians to combat the negatives facing us.

Then I realized that I have never shared my thoughts with you and so am sending this e-mail. Kudos to you. You are to be commended for a job well done.

George M. Kuzma
Glen Rock, N.J.

The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be typed (double-spaced) and signed; they must be originals, not photocopies.

The daytime phone number and address of the letter-writer must be given for verification purposes.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 5, 2003, No. 1, Vol. LXXI

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