UNA VP takes on new responsibility

ARLINGTON, Va. - Ukrainian National Association Vice-President Eugene Iwanciw was recently elected as President of the Inter-Service Club Council (ISCC) of Arlington, Va. The ISCC is an umbrella organization of 32 service clubs in Arlington, including the Optimist, Kiwanis, Rotary and Lions clubs, as well as the Chamber of Commerce, Jaycees, American Legion and Salvation Army.

Prior to taking over the organization on January 1, Mr. Iwanciw served as the ISCC vice-president for the past year. He hails from the Optimist Club of Arlington. As vice-president, he presided over the 48th Annual ISSC Luncheon in November which featured Special Assistant to the President Ronald Christie as the keynote speaker and was attended by over 200 individuals, including county board members.

The ISCC was organized in 1940 as a liaison between the various service clubs in Arlington. Recent surveys indicate that these service clubs contribute over 100,000 man-hours yearly of volunteer time (the equivalent of 50 full-time workers) in addressing the unmet needs of youths and adults within the community. In addition, the service clubs raise and contribute close to $1 million annually for various programs in the community.

In taking over the organization, Mr. Iwanciw said he plans to increase the volunteer work and membership of service clubs through the creation of a website and recruitment through the USA Freedom Corps.

Notes on people is a feature geared toward reporting on the achievements of members of the Ukrainian National Association. All submissions should be concise due to space limitations and must include the person's UNA branch number. Items will be published as soon as possible after their receipt, when space permits.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 12, 2003, No. 2, Vol. LXXI

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