Los Angeles couple donates $50,000 to Ukrainian Catholic University

by Matthew Matuszak

LVIV - Taras Kozbur, a retired architect in the Los Angeles area, and his wife, Oksana, have donated $50,000 to the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv (UCU). Mr. Kozbur, long-time head of the Greater Los Angeles Patriarchal Society, and his wife visited the UCU at the end of September 2002 and were given a tour by the rector, the Rev. Borys Dr. Gudziak.

"We had a good visit with Dr. Gudziak in Lviv," said Mr. Kozbur, "and we are impressed with the kind of institution he is building out there."

Inaugurated during the summer of 2002, the Ukrainian Catholic University has great plans for the future, and so has great needs. Half of the Kozburs' gift will be used to establish an endowment for needy students and half will go towards the building fund.

Illya Labunka, associate director at the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, said, "As an architect, Mr. Kozbur realizes the need for more building space, but, at the same time, he also believes in investing in people." It was Mrs. Kozbur who initially suggested the 50/50 building/scholarship allotment that the couple eventually decided on.

Mr. Kozbur said he was particularly impressed with the new construction work that is continuing on to the fourth floor of the university's main building. Previously the domain of pigeons, the area now houses numerous offices, mini language classrooms and a large lecture hall with a balcony. The university library plans to eventually open a new wing on the south side of the fourth floor, which is still under construction.

Another section of the university that made a big impression on the architect was the Institute of Church History, which records and disseminates information on the underground life of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in the 20th century.

"We are inspired by your plans and the vision of your predecessors, Metropolitan Andrey and Patriarch Josyf," wrote the Kozburs in a letter to the Rev. Gudziak. "You have taken this vision upon your own shoulders and you carry it worthily."

Prof. Jeffrey Wills, vice-rector at UCU, noted that "Mr. Kozbur's generous donation will be particularly significant as the university begins its capital campaign next year. The example of such generous leaders should give others greater confidence to invest in Ukraine's future."

The major thrust of the first stage of the building campaign to begin in 2003 will be the Theological Center, which will be on a new campus located near Lviv's Sykhiv neighborhood. Seminarians of the Lviv Archeparchy, religious from various orders and lay theology students will study there. The new campus will be in the heart of the city, so urban pastoral programs, including hospital and prison ministry will be an important part of the students' practicum.

For further information on the Ukrainian Catholic University, contact the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, 2247 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60622; phone, (773) 235-8462; fax, (773) 235-8464; e-mail, www.ucef.org.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 12, 2003, No. 2, Vol. LXXI

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