An appeal to the community regarding Famine museum/research center in Kyiv

Recently several articles have appeared in the press concerning the need in Kyiv for a national museum-research center dedicated to the memory of the victims of the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine. They were: Roman Baranowskyj's "Concerning the Issue of Memorials and Museums" in Narodna Vola on November 21, 2002; Eugene Stakhiv's "The Time Has Come to Open a Famine Museum" in Svoboda on November 22, 2002; and Rostyslav Chomiak's "Famine Memorial in Kyiv" in Svoboda on November 29, 2002.

In their articles, the authors emphasized the need in the Ukrainian capital for the establishment of a scholarly research center that would house primary source documents, scholarly writings, the testimony of eyewitnesses to the Famine and pertinent materials from congressional committees from the U.S. Congress.

Historians, researchers and students could avail themselves of the materials in such a museum-research center to trace and to publish works concerning the truth about this horrific episode in Ukrainian history. Subsequently, the idea of such a museum-research center was also very convincingly supported by an editorial in The Ukrainian Weekly on December 8, 2002.

With this in mind, the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, together with the Ukrainian World Coordinating Council in Kyiv, is undertaking the initial steps necessary to secure a location worthy of such a museum-research center. For this purpose, the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council is now establishing a fund drive. We are herewith turning to you with an urgent appeal to donate whatever you can to this vital project. Toward this end, the Baranowskyjs, Roman and Stefania, have provided an initial donation of $1,000.

We hope that you will share our sense of the historic importance of this project. To donate funds, please make out your donations to "UACC Famine Memorial Center Fund" and send them to: Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, 142 Second Ave. New York, NY 10003. Your donations are tax-deductible.

For the UACC Presidium:
Ihor Gawdiak, president
Dr. Roman Baranowsky, secretary

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 2, 2003, No. 5, Vol. LXXI

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