Artemia Press publishes book on Gongadze and Kuchma

READING, England - The book "Beheaded - The Killing of a Journalist" by J.V. Koshiw, which tells the story of journalist Heorhii Gongadze, was launched on January 22 at

"Beheaded" tells the story of why the journalist was kidnapped and examines the evidence that President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine was responsible for his death.

The author spent eight months in Ukraine investigating the Gongadze case, starting from the first month of the journalist's disappearance in September 2000.

In his preface to the book, Mr. Koshiw writes: "The purpose of this book is to present the evidence in the disappearance and murder of Gongadze in order that justice may be done. I have chosen first to introduce the three key individuals involved - Gongadze, Kuchma and [whistle-blower Mykola] Melnychenko - and then to present in chronological order the evidence and analysis."

Despite a "mountain of evidence," Mr. Koshiw states, "no legal measures have been taken against Kuchma. He simply denies the crimes and claims the recordings have been fabricated. Furthermore, he doesn't allow a credible investigation to take place and instead has created a cover-up where every tiny event has multiple explanations, like a gigantic hall of mirrors. The only institution empowered by Ukraine's constitution to investigate him - Parliament - is under his control. Demonstrations, some violent, have failed to dislodge him."

In the last decade, Mr. Koshiw has worked as a journalist specializing on Ukraine. As deputy editor of Kyiv Post, an English-language newspaper published in Ukraine, he wrote more than 70 articles on politics. He took part in the making of two TV documentaries on Chornobyl for HTV-Wales.

Writing under the pseudonym Viktor Haynes, he was co-author with Olga Semyonova of "Workers Against the Gulag" (1979) and with Marko Bojcun of "The Chernobyl Disaster" (1988).

In 1997 the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies published Mr. Koshiw's research paper titled "British Foreign Office Files on Ukraine and Ukrainians, 1917-1948."

"Beheaded," is Mr. Koshiw's third book. The 288-page volume includes 44 photographs and illustrations.

It may be purchased for $25 (U.S.), 15 pounds sterling or 24 Euros $25 (U.S.) by logging on to: The price includes airmail postage to any address in the world.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 9, 2003, No. 6, Vol. LXXI

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