UMANA New York Metro Chapter reports continuing rise in activity

by Dr. George Hrycelak

NEW YORK - The Ukrainian Medical Association of North America (UMANA) New York Metro Chapter is actively renewing its presence in the area by promoting its policy of establishing contact with all medical professionals and Ukrainian organizations in the community. Under the leadership and direction of its chapter president, Alexandra Kushnir, M.D., there has been a significant rise in involvement and activity during this past year among members and interested colleagues.

The chapter has extended cooperation to many area organizations, including the Ukrainian Institute of America, the Ukrainian Engineers' Society of America, Self-Reliance (N.Y.) Federal Credit Union, Ukrainian National Women's League of America, and the Shevchenko Scientific Society. A major thrust of the current administration has been to activate and enroll in UMANA health care professionals who have recently arrived from Ukraine. Specific activities have been developed to guide and encourage these physicians in adapting to their new medical environment.

The chapter has succeeded in recruiting 14 new members to the associate level of UMANA, setting a new record for new members in one calendar year. The chapter consciously strives to welcome new physicians from outside the United States by serving as a focal point for networking and social interaction, and as a resource for factual information about the medical profession. A series of forums, co-sponsored by Self-Reliance (Samopomich), has been implemented to provide information and to offer support to these new members. The first forum was held in May 2002 and titled "How to Enter the Medical Mainstream: Ukraine to USA - Their Success Stories."

In addition, the New York Metro Chapter has seriously expanded its service to the community through a series of community based medical lectures, directed by Dr. Ihor Magun. Six such community lectures have been held thus far, covering a range of interesting medical topics; the latest held November 2, 2002, was on "Current Issues in Cardiology."

The Metro Chapter has also pledged support to fund subscriptions to the Journal of the American Medical Association website for use by medical faculties in Ukraine, as well as other assistance to medical students in Lviv and Kyiv. The chapter has also become a member-organization of the Ukrainian Institute of America, and participates in many of its functions and programs.

On October 19, 2002, the Metro chapter, in conjunction with the Ukrainian Engineers' Society of America and the Ukrainian Institute of America, hosted a successful fall zabava, entertaining nearly 150 guests at a pleasant social gathering with dancing and dining at the institute. On December 14, 2002, the traditional Yalynka served as a gathering for young and old alike amidst the lovely Christmas décor. The families in attendance enjoyed a lovely concert, participated in Christmas caroling and greeted friends.

The Chapter board members are: Drs. Alexandra Kushnir, president; Artur Hryhorowych, vice-president; Marta Kushnir, secretary; George Kryzaniwsky, treasurer; Ihor Magun, special events coordinator; Olenka Saikevich, Ronald Liteplo and Lesia Muraszczuk, members at large; and Areta Pidhorodetska, special support.

For further information about the New York Metro Chapter of UMANA, contact Dr. Marta Kushnir, (508) 855-2245.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 9, 2003, No. 6, Vol. LXXI

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