Chornomortsi and friends hold 28th annual ski clinic

HUNTER, N.Y. - The Plast fraternity of Chornomortsi held its 28th annual ski clinic here on January 22-26. The ski outing is organized by "Hetman" Erko Palydowycz and Orest Fedash. For nearly three decades, the group has gotten together to ski, fraternize, tell tall tales, enjoy good food and benefit from ski pointers from former world downhill champion Carl Plattner. The get-together traditionally takes place just before the annual ski races organized by the Carpathian Ski Club (KLK). Races this year will be held March 8 at Ski Windham in Windham, N.Y. with an awards dinner that night at Hunter Mountain.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 23, 2003, No. 8, Vol. LXXI

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