UWC urges diplomatic solution to Iraq crisis

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC), as a representative organization of some 20 million Ukrainians residing in 30 countries around the globe outside Ukraine, is deeply troubled about the possible military invasion of Iraq. Our concern, in particular, is for the millions of innocent people who will be affected by a military conflagration.

Unfortunately, the Ukrainian people have first-hand experience in the consequences of military conflict on the innocent, having seen massive devastation several times within the past century alone. Ukraine was the pre-eminent battleground for two world wars in the last century. We are convinced that not only will the lives of soldiers be compromised in the event of a military intervention in Iraq, but also the lives of millions of civilians in Iraq, neighboring countries and even in remote areas.

Furthermore, we believe that an invasion of Iraq would escalate conflicts throughout the Middle East and spark or intensify confrontations that are currently being resolved in a peaceful manner. The political problems in that part of the world need to be solved through diplomatic means, not exacerbated by additional military conflicts. A war would intensify terrorism throughout the globe and might result in a clash of civilizations spurring extremists.

The world's economy today is quite fragile. The military option will cost billions of dollars directly for the conflict itself and much more for rebuilding. In addition, billions of dollars more in revenue from trade, business, etc. will be lost.

Finally, we concur with the view of countries opposed to military escalation that Iraq does not represent an imminent danger. In all likelihood Iraq does not possess nuclear weapons. Regarding weapons of mass destruction, they must be located and destroyed. In this regard, containment in the form of intensified inspections should address this problem adequately.

The use of military force should be a final option if Iraq does not comply with United Nations resolutions. It is the responsibility of civilized nations to exhaust all diplomatic channels. We believe that the international community has the capability of effecting compliance and ensuring peace.

March 3, 2003
For the Ukrainian World Congress:
Askold S. Lozynskyj, President
Victor Pedenko, Secretary General

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 9, 2003, No. 10, Vol. LXXI

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