California debutante ball raises funds for aid to Ukraine

by Bohdan and Eleanor Malaniak

GLENDALE, Calif. - Guests arriving at the Glendale Hilton Hotel on February 22 to attend the eagerly awaited 2003 ball and presentation of debutantes organized by the California Association to Aid Ukraine (CAAU) were greeted by the blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag flying majestically alongside "Old Glory" high above the entrance of the hotel. With the backdrop of the San Gabriel Mountains to the east and the lush San Fernando Valley to the north, it was clear enough in the early evening to almost see the blue Pacific Ocean in the distant west. The path leading to the lobby of the hotel was scented by the spring flowers planted alongside the walkway, and the palm trees swayed gracefully in the gentle breeze.

As guests entered the delightful reception area they were able to immediately see all of the exciting silent auction items that were on exhibit throughout the room. While everyone was socializing and enjoying the hors' d'euvres and libations, they also had an opportunity to view the many beautiful CAAU posters and photographs on display, as well as watch a 20-minute revolving video about the association's charitable work in Ukraine, which included the distribution of wheelchairs to many adults and children. All proceeds from this evening's event will benefit orphanages and meals for seniors programs in Ukraine.

The enjoyment continued as the guests entered the grand ballroom, which was breathtakingly beautiful. The tables and chairs were covered in white linen, burgundy starburst floral arrangements were on every table, and the white-gloved waiters stood at attention. The candles and mood lighting combined to warm the ambiance of the room, and then the guests were seated.

Lesia Chopko, secretary of the CAAU and master of ceremonies, graciously greeted the guests and opened the program for the evening.

Christina Shymkovich, CAAU vice-president, introduced each one of the lovely debutantes and presented a synopsis of their educational, cultural, civic and community achievements, as well as their goals for the future. She also introduced each of the young gentlemen escorts. Following the presentation of debutantes, the beautiful young ladies waltzed with their fathers, and then with their escorts. The waltz of the fathers and mothers concluded the presentation.

Preceding the dinner, the Ukrainian National Choir Kobzar of Los Angeles sang "God Bless America," "Prayer for Ukraine" and "The Lord's Prayer," conducted by Gregory Hallick-Holutiak, musical director and conductor of the choir.

The delicious cuisine was served by the many courteous attendants, who poured wine and champagne throughout the dinner. Afterwards, Taras Kozbur, the newly elected chairman of the CAAU board, delivered welcoming remarks and commended the program committee members who had totally devoted themselves to making this the most successful and well-attended ball ever. He also recognized Bohdan Malaniak, outgoing president, and Bohdan Mykytyn, outgoing treasurer, for their long and outstanding service to the CAAU.

Mr. Malaniak introduced a special guest, David Richard, executive director of the organization Wheels for Humanity, as well as a strong supporter and partner with the CAAU in the Wheelchairs for Ukraine Program. Mr. Malaniak then greeted all of the out-of-town guests and asked them, one city at a time to stand up and take a bow, beginning with Toronto and Edmonton in Canada and then moving on to Buffalo, N.Y., Chicago, Detroit, Las Vegas, Phoenix, San Diego and San Francisco, as well as the states of Texas and Oregon. The large group received a huge welcome from the other guests.

And then someone said, "Let the Dancing Begin," and it did, to the music of the popular Kari Ochi Band from Toronto. This was the third year that this group has performed for this annual event, once again providing just the right blend of music for a diverse audience. The young and energetic danced their hearts out into the wee hours of the morning. Those of the young-at-heart generation (to which these writers belong) called it an evening a little bit earlier.

The silent auction was superbly organized and delivered by the "Best-In-The West-Ukrainian-Auctioneer," Susan Koziak, program committee member. All 85 auction items were sold to the highest bidders and a good time was had by all who participated.

Luba Poniatyszyn Keske, newly elected president and outgoing chair, this year worked incessantly behind the scenes to ensure the success of the event. For the last six months, as co-chair of the ball, she planned and executed activities, as well as organized and drilled all of the debutantes and their escorts. The evening of the ball proceeded under Ms. Keske's watchful eye, assuring a smooth and well-paced event from start to finish. (In her spare time, it should be noted, Ms. Keske is senior vice-president for MGM Studios.)

The reviews are in

The CAAU's 2003 charity ball and presentation of debutantes was definitely more than very special this year. To illustrate just how special, here are some quotes from those who were there.

"I think that the debutante presentation was really elegant. All of the young women have so many aspirations for the future and have accomplished so much thus far. They looked radiant and seemed to enjoy themselves the entire evening," said Ms. Chopko of Los Angeles. "I think the silent auction was a great success. There were so many items to choose from and it was a great source of revenue. Many people's generosity enabled us to have an amazing display this year - thanks mostly to Susan Koziak for, once again, organizing it."

Ms. Chopko also noted: "I thought the CAAU video was awesome. We got to see where our hard work and efforts really go - to the needy people of Ukraine. When I saw the clip of the old woman who was explaining that she never left the house because she didn't have a wheelchair, and now she can because CAAU was able to provide her with one, I literally had tears in my eyes. That was really moving."

Dr. Roman Kulczycky of North Hollywood said of the event: "The Kobzar Choir was magnificent. The ballroom setting was beautiful. The presentation of debutantes and their credentials - unbelievable. The overall mood of the affair - simply wonderful."

"It was nice to see so many young people involved so enthusiastically in preparation for this event, and having so much fun doing it. My only complaint, and not only mine, was that the music was too loud. Are the young musicians getting hard of hearing?" commented Mr. Kozbur of Buena Park. His concerns were addressed by his colleague on the CAAU, Mr. Malaniak of Glendale, who said, "Next year we will have a concession to sell 'sound modifiers' (earplugs) to the sensitive listeners among us - with proceeds being donated to CAAU, of course."

"Second-generation Los Angeles area Ukrainian Americans are participating and enjoying the traditional debutante ball that originated almost 40 years ago by our contemporaries. Literally, both young and old enjoyed the fun, dancing and camaraderie," underscored Ania Shalauta of Laguna Niguel.

Ms. Shymkovich of Pasadena noted that this was made possible by "talented and dedicated committee members devoting so much of their time to make this an elegant affair with 300 people attending." She added, "I'm also grateful for everyone's generosity, which, along with the silent auction and the challenge to match donations made our charity event a huge success! Thank you everyone!"

Fellow Pasadena resident Bohdan Knianicky commented: "It was my pleasure to make such a donation and challenge others to step up to the plate and open their hearts and wallets to such a worthy cause. I think it's part of our responsibility to help those that have so little, whether here or abroad."

He went on to thank the CAAU "for their dedication and hard work" to make the debutante ball a success. "You are the unsung heroes. You are the lifeline and the heart of this community. Therefore, I salute you."

Community outreach

Quite by good fortune, the ball also became a venue for outreach.

For instance, the CAAU received a wonderful offer when one of the debutantes, Mary Micevych of Tarzana, sent a message indicating she wants to volunteer some of her time to community service via the CAAU.

Another guest, Christine Dax-Czajkowskyj of Sherman Oaks, said: "My husband is half Ukrainian, yet we have never really been an active part of the community. We were coaxed into attending this year by a friend and had such a great time that we not only want to get a table together for next year, we are looking for potential debutantes for our sons to escort."

Finally, a guest who flew in all the way from Detroit, Peter Maziak, gave this testimonial: "Complete with good cheer, good music, and good friends - not to mention great auction items from Madonna and Pierce Brosnan - the CAAU Ball was not only a great charity, but also a great time. One of the best zabavas in the country!"

This was followed up by a message to out-of-town friends from Mr. Malaniak: "Next year when winter arrives in the colder climates of the country, think Sunny California, and remember the great CAAU ball of 2003. Then, immediately, make plans for a little winter vacation to join your family and friends for a delightful evening at the 2004 CAAU ball and presentation of debutantes, where you will enjoy wining, dining, dancing, music and more. Imagine all of this at a charitable event whose proceeds benefit the needy in Ukraine."

* * *

CAAU's outreach request to the Ukrainian American community was to bring toothbrushes and toothpaste to the ball. Organizers ended up with approximately 1,200 sets for orphanages, and they are now in the process of being shipped to Ukraine.

The CAAU's substantial Ukrainian American membership base provides for the needy in Ukraine. Dues and contributions are tax-deductible under IRS Code, Section 501(c) (3). Checks made payable to the CAAU may be sent to the association's treasurer: Marta Mykytyn-Hill, 1219 via Arroyo, Ventura, CA 93003.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 30, 2003, No. 13, Vol. LXXI

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