FOR THE RECORD: Co-sponsors of Great Famine memorial bill

Following is the list of members of the House of Representatives who are co-sponsors of Bill HR 591 regarding a Washington memorial to the Great Famine introduced on February 5 by Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan. The bill would "authorize the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America to establish a memorial on federal land in the District of Columbia to honor the victims of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933."

Shelley Berkley of Nevada
Howard L. Berman of California
Danny K. Davis of Illinois
Lloyd Doggett of Taxas
Eliot L. Engel of New York
Phil English of Pennsylvania
Bob Filner of California
Luis V .Gutierrez of Illinois
Maurice D. Hinchey of New York
Joseph M. Hoeffel of Pennsylvania
Rush D. Holt of New Jersey
William J. Jefferson of Louisiana
Marcy Kaptur of Ohio
Dale E. Kildee of Michigan
Joe Knollenberg of Michigan
Dennis J. Kucinich of Ohio
James R. Langevin of Rhode Island
William O. Lipinski of Illinois
Nita M. Lowey of New York
Carolyn B. Maloney of New York
Michael R. McNulty of New York
John W. Olver of Massachusetts
Frank Pallone Jr. of New Jersey
Donald M. Payne of New Jersey
Jack Quinn of New York
Dana Rohrabacher of California
Louise McIntosh Slaughter of New York
Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey
Diane E. Watson of California
Anthony D. Weiner of New York
Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania
Robert Wexler of Florida
Frank R. Wolf of Virginia

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 20, 2003, No. 16, Vol. LXXI

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