Set aside the works of darkness, and put on the armament of light

Paschal letter of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of Ukraine.

To the venerable Ukrainian Orthodox presbyters, deacons, monastics and devout faithful beyond and within the borders of Ukraine:

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Only yesterday we accompanied the disciples of our Lord as they witnessed the horror and tragedy of Golgotha, as the Son of God was being crucified. Only yesterday we stood by the Holy Shroud of our Lord and with heaviness of heart we declared: "O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us." And today, with the Myrrh-bearing Women, we arrive at the Lord's tomb only to witness that the stone has been rolled away. A heavenly body asks: "Why do you seek the living among the dead ... He is Risen." The stone is rolled away not to let Jesus out but rather to let us in so that we might proclaim "Indeed He is Risen" - to let us in so that our faith in the Lord might be regenerated - to let us in so that we can be assured that the enemy of life has been trampled underfoot once and for all. Seeing that the tomb is empty, we put aside the specters of fear and the cloud of doubt, vesting ourselves with the vision of life eternal.

By the Resurrection the bonds of death are broken - the claims and promise of salvation are assured. The empty tomb opened for us the vista and reality of immortality - it proved that the Word. Who took on our flesh and dwelt among us assures each of us our portion in His victory. We who have "clothed ourselves with Christ" hold those words to be the Truth: "Where I am I want you to be also."

Today the world - that same world which was sanctified by our Lord's incarnation - is clouded with darkness, with threats of war, with suffering and with hopelessness. The world needs to hear that the stone rolled away not to let Christ out but to let each of us enter into the tomb to receive the light and be illumined with the joy of Christ Risen; that world needs the children of God as living testimonies that life is eternal and it needs to be reminded that life has a purpose - God's purpose. As followers of the resurrected Christ we can no longer look for the living among the territory of the dead. Life cannot be exchanged for the things of the world, the wealth, the power or the fame. Life is precious, and must strive toward perfection in order to experience the wonder and joy proceeding from the empty tomb.

Holding the truth of Christ's Resurrection ever before us, it is time for humanity to set aside the works of darkness and put on the armament of light and walk upright by the light of day. The new life in Christ, through our moral and spiritual life, belongs to each of us in the victory of Pascha.

In oneness of mind and heart, we share with you the joyful message of Christ's resurrection and with those whom we call "brethren" in Ukraine, those who, despite centuries of oppression, remained devoted to Christ and the Faith and Order embraced by the Venerable Enlightener of Ukraine, Volodymyr, a Faith and Order which has been treasured and defended by hosts of Ukraine's holy ones throughout the ages. May God's gracious gift of genuine ecclesiastical unity for which they strive have our support. Such unity is a gift, which will come in the fullness of God's time and can be received only by those who have prepared for it, with attention to excellence and purity of faith and piety - virtues which are too often compromised and neglected in our day and age.

We, who are called to be the hierarchs of Christ's Bride, His immaculate Church, and who have been vested by Christ in the awesome and sacred responsibility of guiding our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church through difficult times when our common commitment to Christ, to His life-giving Gospel and to unwavering fidelity to Holy Orthodox Christianity are being severely tested, greet you with the joyous Paschal proclamation:

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

We assure you, our spiritual children, of our prayers and love. We beseech the power of your prayers for us, as well.

Ý Wasyly, Metropolitan
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

Ý Constantine, Metropolitan
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A.

Ý John, Archbishop
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

Ý Antony, Archbishop
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A.

Ý Vsevolod, Archbishop
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A.

Ý Ioan, Archbishop
Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Diaspora

Ý Yurij, Archbishop
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

Ý Jeremiah, Bishop
Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Eparchy of South America

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 20, 2003, No. 16, Vol. LXXI

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