Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus announces 85th anniversary concert tour of Europe

DETROIT - The Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus will embark on a historic concert tour of Western Europe on June 25. The chorus last toured Europe in 1958. During the 15-day tour, the chorus will visit the communities of: Manchester and London, England; Paris, Strasbourg, and St. Avold, France; Munich, Germany; and Vienna, Austria.

The chorus plans to showcase a rich cultural program of Ukrainian song, accompanied by the bandura, Ukraine's national instrument. The year 2003 also marks the chorus' 85th anniversary. Thus the chorus will continue to fulfill its historical mission as cultural ambassador of Ukraine's national heritage.

The chorus has chosen to work with the professional concert touring company, Classical Movements Inc., a division of the Alexandria, Va.,-based Blue Heart Tours. Classical Movements is an internationally recognized touring company, whose clients include some of America's most beloved institutions: the John. F. Kennedy Center for the Arts, the National Symphony Orchestra and the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

Before departing for Europe, the chorus will present part of its 85th anniversary concert season in Windsor, Ontario, on May 3; Toronto on May 31; Detroit on June 7; and Cleveland on June 8.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 20, 2003, No. 16, Vol. LXXI

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