Pianist Roman Rudnytsky off on another world tour

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO - Concert pianist Roman Rudnytsky, who for many years has given concerts in many countries around the world, will be traveling again to different parts of the world beginning in April. To date, he has performed in 75 countries.

On April 19 Mr. Rudnytsky will be in Hawaii to play a recital and conduct a master class at the Volcano Art Center on the "Big Island" of Hawaii. Then it's on to Central America, where between May 6 and 14 he will play recitals in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and Antigua, Guatemala. From May 17 to 29, he will be aboard the ship Oriana on the British P&O Co., playing five recitals on a cruise from Southampton to the Canary Islands, Madeira, and Portuguese and Spanish ports. This will be his 29th cruise for P&O as classical pianist on board (and his 32nd in all).

In mid-June Mr. Rudnytsky will depart for two and a half months, first to play five recitals in Britain, including in the Isles of Scilly, and then to play 20 concerts in Australia as part of his 13th concert tour there. Mr. Rudnytsky has been concertizing in Australia every two years since 1979 and to date has played over 350 concerts there - more in quantity than in any other overseas country he has played in.

In the fall, from September 5 to 14, Mr. Rudnytsky will fulfill several recitals in the Caribbean area, including Barbados and several neighboring islands, which are organized through the U.S. Embassy's "public diplomacy" program (successor to the U.S. Information Service). Mr. Rudnytsky has played concerts in 22 countries since 1984 under the auspices of both the USIS and the "public diplomacy" program of the embassies. Performances in the United Kingdom and Malta are in the planning stages for late September.

Mr. Rudnytsky will go to Ukraine in late October, where he has been invited to perform as soloist with the Zaporizhia Symphony. This will be followed by three recitals in Britain. Back in the states in November, he will play recitals and conduct master classes at Nebraska Wesleyan University and the University of Kansas. During the period of December 16-January 9, 2004, he will be playing recitals aboard P&O's Oriana on a Caribbean cruise from Barbados.

Among forthcoming concerts in 2004 is a performance in January, as soloist with the orchestra of Ohio Northern University in the town of Ada (he will play the Tchaikovsky Concerto No. 1), recitals in the Sultanate of Brunei (on the island of Borneo) in late February and as soloist with the orchestras of Kielce and Lublin in Poland, in April and, closer to home, at the Grazhda concert series as part of Music and Art Center of Greene County, in Jewett, N.Y., on July 3.

Last year Mr. Rudnytsky played in such places as California, several Pacific islands of Micronesia, Tunisia, Britain, Poland (as soloist with the Sudecka Filharmonia of the city of Walbrzych), New Zealand (his ninth tour there comprising 10 recitals), with orchestras in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and aboard P&O's ship Oceana on a Caribbean cruise from Florida. In early February of this year he played a recital and conducted a master class at Abilene Christian University in Texas.

Most recently, on March 30, Mr. Rudnytsky participated in the evening at the Ukrainian Institute of America in New York commemorating the centenary in 2002 of the births of his parents, composer-conductor Antin Rudnytsky and opera singer Maria Sokil, and played three of his father's piano works as part of the evening's program.

Mr. Rudnytsky continues as a member of the piano faculty of the Dana School of Music of Youngstown State University in Youngstown, Ohio, where he has been since 1972. He received a "Distinguished Professor Award" from this institution in 1990 for his international concert activities.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 20, 2003, No. 16, Vol. LXXI

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