Thanks to the generous contributions of many individuals in the United States in 2001 and 2002, which totalled nearly $90,000, the Ukrainian National Foundation's Fund for the National University of Ostroh Academy in Ukraine has now surpassed $116,000.

The National University of Ostroh Academy is a semi-private institution of higher learning in Ukraine which has received a number of awards for excellence. Headed by rector Ihor Pasichnyk, the institution is fast becoming the Oxford of Ukraine.

Ostroh Academy was founded in 1576, exactly 200 years before America's Declaration of Independence, by Prince Kostiantyn Ostrozky, one of the richest men in all of Europe and patron of the 16th century Ukrainian renaissance. The "Ostroh Bible," the first Slavonic edition of the canonical Old and New Testaments, was published in Ostroh in 1580. The university was closed for centuries as Ukraine suffered under various foreign occupations. It was re-opened in 1994, soon after Ukraine declared its independence.

The list of donors that follows was prepared by Lesia and Myron Kuropas, who initiated and currently direct the fund. Many donations listed below were earmarked for student scholarships and other special projects developed by the university. All queries should be directed to Myron B. Kuropas, 107 Ilehamwood Drive, DeKalb, IL 60115-1856 or [email protected].

Individuals wishing to make a tax-exempt donation may do so by making a check out to the UN Foundation/Ostroh Fund and mailing it to the above address.

The UN Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) corporation established by the Ukrainian National Association to support charitable projects.



United Ukrainian Organizations of Cleveland


Dr. Leonidas Mostowych


Ukrainian National Women's League of America, Branch 29 (Chicago)


Leonard and Helena Mazur


Lubomyr and Anna Wynar
Dana Dykyj, in memory of Jaroslav Dykyj
Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union (Chicago)
Dr. Zenon and Nadia Matkiwsky
Wiacheslaw W. Wyshnewsky
Nicholas and Dioniza Nenadkevich


Dr. Wolodymyr Rybak


Dr. Alexander and Daria Jakubowycz
Bohdan R. Nehaniv
Ukrainian American Justice Committee
Dr. Bohdan and Bohdana Chudio
Rostyslav Kuzmych


George Mycak
Helen Pryma
Alex and Irene Mychaluk
Alexander List
Natalia Danylenko


Taras and Katherine Szmagala
Taras Szmagala Jr.
Dr. Bohdan and Bohdanna Vitvitsky
Mykola and Oksana Yaremko


Wasyl Liscynesky
Nestor and Anisa Shust
Dr. Orest and Bohdana Horodysky
Jurij and Taisa Rozhin
Alla and George Cherney
Andrew Kurylko


Areta S. Pawlynsky
Myron and Daria Jarosewycz
Leonid Caryk
Mr. and Mrs. John Sawchyn
Hryhorij and Lida Bilous


George and Daria Kulchytsky
Demetrius Pawlyszyn
Semen and Maria Krislatyj
Stefania Balahutrak
Dionisyj W. Demianczuk
Adrian and Marta Halarewicz
Volodymyr and Lydia Bazarko
Jeremy and Christine Rakowsky
Dr. Ihor and Areta Zachary
George and Myra Oryshkewych
Osyp Terkala
Rosemary Dyell
Mykola and Nadia Lawrin
Daria Nina Shlega
Ivan Halich
Myron and Sofia Skorupa
George and Romana Figacz
Wsewolod Hnatczuk
Stephen and Sophia Hazen
Ernest and Nadia Stratelak
Irene and Stephen Zdan
Myron and Lesia Kuropas
Marta Farion
Boris and Irene Antonovych
Olga and George Diachenko
Julia Kokorudz
Theodora Turula
Osyp and Zena Lytwynyshyn
Roma and Andrew Hadzewycz
Oksana M. Bauer
Lesia Brudner
Taras and Lubow Shegedyn
Zirka Voronka
Ihor G. Rakowsky
Nicholas Hordynsky
Leonid Pidstryhach
Dr. Terebus Kmeta
Myroslaw and Luba Prokop
Tatiana Doberczak
Mykola Haliv
Olha Kekish
Andrew and Bronia Antoniuk
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Wauwatosa, Wis.
Walter and Maria Pyskir
James and Larisa Gehred
John and Helen Pryma
Tamara Sydoriak
John Teleshefsky
Col. Stephen D. Olynyk
Leonid Caryk
Mr. and Mrs. John Sawchuk
Hryhorij and Lida Bilous


Martha Wiegand


Oleh and Joanna Karawan


A.T. and S.M. Pihut


Teresa Sliwka
Nina Parhomenko
Walter and Vera Tun
Stephen and Alexandra Kuropas
Ulana M. Baransky
Maria Baransky
Julian Chornij
Orest Deychakiwsky
Irene Zabytko
Maria Sajkewycz Kodelsky
Orest Horodysky
Larissa Dijak
Dr. Natalia Pazuniak


Helen Norka


Bohdan Kotys


Mykola Jarko
Petro Hrycak

TOTAL for 2001 - $26,130.00



Ukrainian National Home, Lorain, Ohio


Nicholas and Dioniza Nenadkevich.
United Association of Supporters of the
Ukrainian National Republic in the USA
The Heritage Foundation of 1st Security
Federal Savings Bank


Marta Pereyma


Myron and Lesia Kuropas


Leonidas and Oksana Mostowycz


Vira and Bohdan Bodnaruk


Alexander and Irene Mychaluk


Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit
Union of Philadelphia Ukrainian
Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal
Credit Union of Chicago
Alexander and Maria Krychyk
Natalia Danylenko
Association of American Youth of
Ukrainian Descent (ODUM), Minneapolis
Lubomyr and Anna Wynar
Katherine and Rostyslaw Dowbenko
Walter and Katherine Boykowycz
Ivan and Natalia Danylenko
Coordinating Committee to Aid Ukraine
Marion Bartoszyj
Ihor and Helen Pryma


Peter Karkos
The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving (through John Z. Doroschak)
Michael Komichak
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Milwaukee


Vladimir and Hellena Shyprykevich
Dr. Anatol and Daria Lysyj


Raymond and Jaroslawa Komichak
Taras Szmagala Jr.
Petro Hursky
Natalie Sluzar


Leonid Pidstryhach
Michael and Nadia Karkoc
Daria N. Kuzyk
Vira N. Sendzik
Olha Dubyk
Daria Bylow
Committee to Aid Ukraine
Myron and Daria Jarosewych


Daria Bylow
Michael S. Humnicky
Walter Storozynsky
Valentina Kuzmycz
Eugene and Anisja Gill
Lesya Irka and Pravin Parekh
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kozak
Ludmilla and Walter Anastazievsky
John Sydorenko
Quick Star Construction
Lubomyra and Jerry Ostapiuk
Maria Umenov
Dr. Tatiana Khyshakevych
Nikolay and Galina Megits
Maria Pundyk
Olga Manesterski
Osyp Polotajko
Lubomyr and Bulent Yoldas
Oksana I. Wolchuk
Vera Klisch
Walter and Maria Pyskir
John and Nadia Sawchuk
Valentine and Evdokia Limonczenko
Eustachiy and Zenon Derzko
Natalia X. Korytnyk
Wolodymyr and Maria Wowk
Ihor Vitkovitsky
Stefan Maksymjuk
Basil Nakonechny
Wolodar and Martha Lysko


Wasyl and Josephine Soroka


Julian and Hanna Chornij
Kathrine Ann Drusch
Walter Anastas
Katherine and Markian Hutzal
Oleh and Maria Gregoret
Olga Ostapchuk
Boris and Sonia Myroniuk
Halyna Myroniuk
Lucy Karkoc
Fr. Evhen and Daria Kumka
Antin and Maria Semeniuk
Natalia Danylenko
Maria Sajkewycz Kodelsky
Oleh Sklepkovych
Gregory and Marilyn Mursky
Louis D. Bass


Eugene and Tetiana Brynowsky
Petro Kmit
Marie Pew


Christopher Gordon


Areta and Victor Nadozirny
Wolodymyra Tarasczuk
Dr. John and Nadia Doroschak
Daria Bushchak
Myroslaw and Maria Stec
Wasyl and Janina Kmit
Maria Luciw
Eufrozyna and Peter Ostapchuk
Myron Kramarczuk
Lubomyr Miz
Anatoly Prehar
Helen J. Tataryn
Gilbert Tostevin


Halyna Riabokin
Michael and Maria Jula
Eugene Chowhan


Dorothy Pappin Forsythe
Linda Oleksa


Susan M. Otterness
Lois A. Roos
Mary C. Rice


Doris Porter

TOTAL for 2002 - $63,075.00

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 27, 2003, No. 17, Vol. LXXI

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