Eighth Ukrainian World Congress slated for August

TORONTO - The Ukrainian World Congress Presidium, meeting in limited session on Saturday, April 5, finalized some details of the eighth UWC Congress to be held August 18-21 in Kyiv. All sessions of the congress except the Great Famine requiem, the concert and the gala reception, will take place at the Ukrainian House on European Square.

UWC councils and committees will convene at 10 a.m. on Monday, August 18. The following councils and committees have scheduled deliberations: the World Social Services Council, the World Coordinating Educational Council, the Human and Civil Rights Commission, the World Cooperative Council, the Council on Cultural Affairs, and the World Scholarly Council. Sessions of the Sports Committee and the Conference of Ukrainian Youth Organizations are still in the planning stage.

An opening press conference will take place at 5 p.m. on Monday, August 18, at the press conference room at the Ukrainian House; the opening ceremony will commence thereafter at 7 p.m. with a prayer service and presentation of colors of all countries where Ukrainians reside. Several ambassadors have acknowledged their participation.

The president of Ukraine along with other dignitaries from Ukrainian government and the Verkhovna Rada have been invited to attend the opening ceremonies.

The following day, Tuesday, will be devoted to plenary sessions, reports and deliberations. At 7 p.m. the delegates and guests will proceed along the Khreschatyk through Independence Square to St. Sophia and then to the Great Famine monument at the St. Michael's Square, where a requiem service will be offered by Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical clergy.

The following day's morning and afternoon sessions will be devoted to four roundtable discussions. A concert will take place at 7 p.m. at a nearby hall (to be announced).

Thursday will conclude deliberations with the presentation of resolutions and the elections of an executive committee, an executive and a board of directors. At 5 p.m. a concluding press conference will be held, followed by a reception at the Kyiv City Hall.

To date, some 100 delegates have been registered - mostly from the Eastern diaspora. UWC member-organization from North and South America, Europe and Australia are urged to register as soon as possible but no later than May 31. Cost of registration is $400 (Canadian) or $250 (U.S.) for delegates from United States, Canada, Great Britain,Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, $50 (U.S.) for delegates from South America and European Union candidate countries, and $10 (U.S.) from delegates from Armenia, Georgia, Kazakstan, Russia, Transdniester and Uzbekistan.

For information contact the UWC Toronto Office; telephone, (416) 323-3020, e-mail, [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 4, 2003, No. 18, Vol. LXXI

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