A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Study Ukrainian language, politics, history, literature at Harvard University

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - The Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute (HUSI) offers participants a unique opportunity to study the language, literature, politics and history of modern Ukraine during an eight-week university-accredited intensive program.

In a word - HUSI is about Harvard - the university that speaks for itself, with more than 90 libraries, the richest Ukrainian collection of books and periodicals outside Eastern Europe and much, much more.

HUSI is also about Ukraine and the latest in Ukrainian studies, conceptualized either as a separate area of inquiry or as a point of departure for inter-disciplinary and comparative studies of Eastern Europe and post-totalitarian transitional societies.

HUSI is about the rewards of studies in the summer - how productive and fruitful they can be.

The Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute is the only program of its kind in North America.

Intensive Ukrainian language teaching is the central focus of the institute; instruction is proficiency-based and aimed at developing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in real-life settings. An extensive video library of over 100 films, satellite access to Ukrainian TV programs, regular language tables, interaction with native speakers and other activities supplement classroom training.

This year the Institute offers three proficiency-based, intensive courses in modern Ukrainian - Beginning (Alla Parkhomenko, Ph.D., Kyiv State University), Intermediate (Yuri Shevchuk, Ph.D., Kyiv State University), and Advanced (Volodymyr Dibrova, Ph.D., Ukrainian Academy of Sciences).

HUSI also offers three other courses, taught by senior faculty, each a recognized authority in his field. Dr. George Grabowicz (Harvard) will teach "20th Century Ukrainian Literature: Rethink-ing the Canon"; Dr. John-Paul Himka (University of Alberta) - the history course "Modern Ukraine"; and Dr. Alex-ander Motyl (Rutgers University) - the political science course "Theorizing Ukraine: Politics, Theory and Politcal Theory."

In addition, and for the first time in HUSI's history, graduate and doctoral students will have the opportunity to take an interdisciplinary advanced graduate seminar "Studying 20th Century Ukraine: Theory, Methodology, Identity," co-taught by Profs. Grabowicz, Himka and Motyl. Graduate students taking any of the listed courses will get graduate credits.

For a detailed description of the HUSI-2003 program and application materials visit the Institute's web site: www.huri.harvard.edu or call (617) 495-7833 or (617) 495-4053; fax, (617)495-8097; or e-mail [email protected].

The application deadline is May 30.

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 4, 2003, No. 18, Vol. LXXI

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